»red Kauffmann’s Local Representative FRED KAUFFMANN ?he American Tailor Chicago, U.S.A. Opportunity. Opportunity knocks at least once at every man’s door. Here is a knock at yours. Remember that you risk nothing when you order an International suit, because we guar- antee a fit and perfect satisfaction. P. M. Rainey ’O5, agent. 578 Main, HARDWARE Good Goods Lowest Prices Honest inspection and fair judgment is all I ask JOHN I. OLEWINE Bellefonte - Pa. Palace Restaurant Go there for a full line of Sand wiches and Quick Lunch We use our owi. home-boiled ham In sandwiches. ' Oysters served in all styles Boarding by the week, day or meal WG. CALDWELL, Prop. W. L. FOSTER DEALER IN GENEiRAL MERCHANDISE SPECIALTIES Walk-over Shoes for Ladies and Gents. Gents’ Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Ladies’ fine Dress Goods in the very latest styles. Fancy Groceries —of the finest quality. Don’t forget that we carry a full line of A. G. Spalding’s Sporting Goods. Telephone . STATE COLLEOE, PA- THE STATE COLLEGIAN onaNewSuit? ns help you. tart Styles jd Workman ip-Low Prices, rare comhina- In answer to an advertisement for somebody to take charge of a church choir and play the organ, the follow ing reply was received: “Sir: I noticed your advertise ment for an organist and music teacher, either lady or gentleman. Having been both for several years, I offer you my services. ” Ex. jr samples see K. VARNES Annex No. 2 A clergyman told in his text How Samson was barbered and vexed, And told it so true That a man in the pew Got rattled and shouted out, “Next.” —Ex. Exchanges. THE Potter-Hoy Hardware Go. Has always been, and con tinues to be, HEADQUARTERS FOR ANYTHING you may want in the HARDWARE line. We solicit your patronage. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. BELLEFONTE,PA. Caps and Gowns Made to Order and Rented PENNANTS FOR ALL COLLEGES CARRIED IN STOCK | MERCHANT TAILOR H. GRIMM STATE COLLEGE, PA, Thirty years’ experience In Tailoring. Samples of the finest Imported Goods always on hand. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 4 a neat Hair Cut, Shave, Shampoo, Massage Treatment, Call on c.A.WOMER (Successor to C. L. Croyle) SHOP IN COLLEGE HOTEL Harrison’s Restaurant Ice Cream Parlors Speciai attention paid to Banquets, Balls and Parties Oysters in Season Students’ Trade Solicited OPPOSITE n. C. It. It. DEPOT STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE GOODS CLASS, TRACK AND TEAM CAPS, PINS, MEDALS, FOBS WM. R. DUNN, Agent, ARMORY HIAWATHA UP TO DATE. Oh ! the soft and dark rich chocolate, With it's sweet and mellow flavor, Going down your hungry palate, Down into your little stomach — Oh I the rich and creamy chocolate Made by Peter, Peter famous; Peter’s chocolate, dark and mellow — It is fit for any fellow, Wrapt in paper, silver shining- • In a little box reclining, It is good enough for dining— Oh 1 the praises sing of Pecer — Peter's own delicious chocolate, It has made me fat and happy— Filled the hollow of my cheek bones. Made me sing and dance with gladness, Hence this song of praise to Peter,