State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, March 16, 1905, Image 3

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    Library Notes,
Hours—7-55 A. M. to 10 P. M.
The Edison Medal Association
has established a prize, known as
the “Edison Medal” to be awarded
by the American Institute of Elec
trical Engineers for the the best
thesis or record of research on
theoretical or applied electricity or
magnetism. A copy of the condi
tions governing the competition and
award may be consulted at the De
livery Desk in the Carnegie Library.
The Library has received by gift, a
set of the American Institute of Elec
trical Handbooks. The set consists
of eleven neatly bound and nicely
illustrated volumes detailing the
points of interest and present state
of electrical interest in reach of the
following places: Boston, New
York. Philadelphia, Pitts burg,
Washington, Niagara, Schenectady,
Chicago, Montreal and Newark
(Edisonia). These Handbooks were
gotten up by local committees pri
marily as guides and aids for the
Delegates to the International Elec
trical Congress at St. Louis in 1904,
and it’s subsequent circular tour
The Library is indebted to George
T. Graham for a copy of The
Photos here.publishedbythe Wash
ington Literary Society in 1874. It
is a curious compilation, with some
local flavor and antidates both the
Free Lance first issued in 1887, and
the La Vie, first published in 1887.
Professor Buckhout, the most com
petent authority on matters pretain
ing to the history of the College, is
of the opinion that several issues of
this annual were published, and he
proposes to look over his collected
materials with a view to supplement
ing the Library file.
An open letter, by Milton Scott
Lytle, one of the earliest alumni of
the College, now an attorney at Hun-
it'HE State collegian
tingdon.on “A Trust for the Bene
fit of the White People to Follow
the present System” appeared in the
Philadelphia Public Ledger of Feb
ruary 26th.
“A Paper on Box-Car Loaders”
by W. L. Affelder, ’99, appeared in
Mines and Minerals recently. .In
substance, the paper was delivered
as an address before the Western
Penna. Central Mining Institute,
Senior Chemistry Theses.
Peschko, Heinrich, and Cooper
are analyzing foodstuffs and investi
gating the subject of adulterants.
Morgan is making a study of organ
ic preparations used in photography.
Forkum is analyzing and investi
gating the different properties of
Chinese wood oil.
Brobst is working on a new pro
cess for making chlorform from
Swartz is comparing the different
methods for the determination of
sulphur in pyrites.
Hart is comparing the different
methods for the determination of
sulphur in pig iron, notably the
copper-potassium chloride method.
Aungst and Curry are analyzing
and testing paints and pigments.
Lowe is studying the effect of
light on ethereal solutions of ferrous
Bashore is endeavoring to prepare
Vanilline by oxidizing Eugenol.
Duff is investigating and analyz
ing different varieties of anti-friction
Marconi has made new improve
ments on his wireless telegraph sys
tem whereby words may be received
at the rate of 100 per minute. For
merly the limit was twenty-four per
Senior Mechanical Theses. | minute.
Bausman, Beck, Patterson, Ray
and Torrence are making a locomo
tive test on the.Beliefonte Central, to
determine the fuel consumption per
horse power hour.
Davis, Estep, and Johnson are
designing .and will construct a tan
dem two stage air compressor.
Hamilton and Hertzler are mak
mg comparative tests of the New
York and Westinghouse air brakes.
Reimel and McLaughlin have de
signed and are now constructing a
20-horse power steam turbine of the
Curtis type.
Kreidler, Gerber, Neely and
Slocum are testing the Corlis Triple
Expansion engine to determine the
most economical point of cut off
and efficiency.
Hess and Gentzel have designed
and are constructing a direct con
nected engine to be used with a
generator which is being made by
the Electricals.
Crawford is making a study of the
hydraulic ram.
Hoffeditz is making an investiga
tion of the efficiency of different
styles of blades for ventilating fans.
$250,000 has been asked from
Congress to erect a light house and
make other improvements on the
Midway Islands in the Pacific.
Municipal ownership in Australia
is said to be a failure.
An investigation made by the
English coal commission shows that
the available supply in the British
Isles, is 146,873 million tons. Eng
lands annual output is 230 million
Patents have benn taken out for a
system whereby mercury vapor
lamps can be automatically started.
It consists of a step up transformer
the secondary of which gives a high
enough e. m. f. to break down the
initial resistance of the lamp.