State Col Vol. 1, No. 22, Calendar. SATURDAY, MARCH 18 8.00 P. M. Sophomore —Fresh- man baksetball game in Ar- mory, SUNDAY, MARCH 19. 11.00 A. M. Chapel. Rev. J. H. Odell of Scranton will preach. 6.00 P. M. Y. M. C. A. in 529 Main. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22. 8.00 P. M. Concert in Old chapel for benefit of State College firemen, Drill Resumed, The increased amount of work for both the officers and men caused by the many changes of the Drill Regu lations and the necessity of having the battalion in good shape for the coming Semi-Centenial, influenced Capt. Lawton in calling the companies together last Monday for the pur pose of re-organization, much earlier than usual. The battalion as it re ported will be larger than it has ever been for the spring term. It is very probable that the division into six companies will not be changed. This will make companies of about 45 men each. As this is the last year of Capt. Lawton’s detail at this institution, he has offered the prize sword, which for the last three years has been awarded to the cap tain of the “banner company” temporarily, as a permanent trophy for the company winning in the com petitive drill next spring and to be re tained by its captain. In a similar way the Mrs. Lawtcn Badge will be permanently awarded this year. Tnese offers should act as a strong incentive towards faithful work. STATE COLLEGE, PA., MARCH 16, 1905 Commencement Arrangements. The Alumni Committee in charge of the coming Semi-Centennial Ju bilee at Commencement have sent out a second letter to the members of the Association informing them in full of the progress made. A sub committee consisting of Geo. R. Meek and M. S. McDowell was ap pointed at the last meeting to take charge of class re-unions. This com mittee has received thirty-eight re sponses from the forty-four classes that have graduated and in every case the work is proceeding satis factorily. The program for Alumni Day was discussed at the last meeting and tentatively agreed on as follows : 1. Business Meeting of the Alumni Association 9:30 A. M, 2. General Meeting m the Schwab Auditorium, of members of the Alumni and old students, at which a few short speeches will be made by members of the Alumni and to which the public will be admitted. 10:30 A. M, 3. Class Re-unions 11:30 A. M. 4. Alumni Parade, by classes, to Ath- letic Field, to witness a ball game between two Alumni teams, other athletic “stunts” 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. 5. Exhibition Drill of Cadets 4:30 P. M. 6. Reception in the j Armory, for the Alumni Association, their families, the Faculty, and other invited guests 8.00 to 10:00 P. M. 7. Smoker for the Alumni 10:00 P. M. The next meeting of the Com mittee will be held in Philadelphia at the Belleyue Stratford Hotel, on Friday, April 14th. at nine o’clock A. M., when more definite and final arrangements for Commencement week will be made, New Books, Chicago, University of —Presi- dents report. 1903. —Publications of the members of the University. Garrison, E. E. —The Roosevelt Doctrine. Hochdoerfer, Richard —Introduc- tory studies in German Literature. legian. The annual Sophomore —Fresh- man basketball game comes off this Saturday night, March 18, in the Armory. From the present out look this coming battle will one of the hottets class affairs of this na ture which “Old State” has seen for many years. Seldom have the ri val basketball forces of Soph and Fresh appeard so evenly matched as this year, and while both sides feel fully confident of a victory, yet every contestant knows that the struggle will be a desperate one, and every player on each team has worked for the past month to be in shape for the fray. The victory of ’OB in football has put the Sophs on their mettle as nev er before, and although the Fresh man team has the advantage of two ’Varsity men, Moorhead and Burns, this has only served to stimulate ’O7 to greater efforts. “Sticks” Haver stick of baseball fame is captain of the Sophomore five, and "Cal” Moorhead leads the Fresh. The Soph five will be picked from the following list of men : —Mcllveen, Dußarry, Mason, Wilson, Metz, Tawney, Kirk. Bitler and ’oB’s team from the following : —Burns, Zinc, Smith, Ferguson, Leathers, Dunn, Thomas, Harris, Fox and Van Horn. The Firemen of State College are giving a concert in the Old Chapel next Wednesday evening, in the en deavor to raise funds for a new build ing. The entertainment consists of moving pictures, illustrated songs, and harp solos. It will be a good way to put in an evening. The boys should all turn out and give the Fire men a lift. Price Five Cents Basketball Firemens Concert.