State Vol. 1, No. 15 The Y. M. C. A. Course. The fourth entertainment in the course will be given Saturday even ing, Jan. 28th., in the Old Chapel. The Chicago Lady Entertainers who have been secured for this date, ap peared here two years ago and gave a very creditable performance. The company consists of Estella M. Clarke, reader; Jessie I. Christian, soprano; Bessie M. Mercer, contral to; and Marcia M. Moorhead, ac companist. Each is an artist in her respective line, and yet each under stands how to make her part subser vient to the harmony of the whole. Their program consists of readings, vocal solos, duets, trios, and quar tets. A very fine entertainment is assured. The management of the course has taken special pains to get a good attraction for this particular date, and it is hoped that there will a large attendance. The final number id the course is booked for Saturday, March 4th., when Packard, the humorist, will give his “Rare Fun Well Done.” The Juniors Entertained, In spite of the close proximity of examination week, nearly the whole Junior class attended the Liquid Air Lecture and Smoker tendered by Prof. Osmond last Saturday evening. The smoker part of the program was a great success but owing to the de lay in shipment, etc., the Liquid air failed to materialize and “Hot air” had to be substituted. Part of the evening was taken up by Prof. Os mond with remarks on the meth ods of manufacturing liquid air. Ex periences, jokes, wise and other wise, made the remainder of the evening very entertaining. Coll STATE COLLEGE, PA., JAN. 26, 1905 F. Z. Moore ’O2, Dead. The following was taken from the Waynesboro, Pa., Zephyr of Jan. 19th. Frank Z. Moore, son of Geo. W. Moore, South Church street, who was taken ill with typhoid fever in Salt Lake City, Utah, as told in this paper, died this morning. Mr. Moore was on his way west to Frisco, Utah, in the interest of the Westinghouse Machine Co. by which he was employed, when he was taken ill. He was in his 24th year and was a graduate of the Waynesboro High school, class of ’9B, and of The Penn sylvania State College, where he took the course in Mechanical En gineering. He had many friends here who will regret his death. He was a young man of superior attain ments and of very pleasing social qualities. He is survived by his parents and one brother, Ralph W. Moore. His father is now on the way to Utah, being called to his son’s bed side by a telegram announcing his serious illness. Mr. Moore during his college course was a man prominent in col lege affairs, standing high in his work and taking an active interest in the various phases of the life here. He was editor-in-chief of the Free Lance in his Senior year and a member of the College debating team. He graduated with honors. Those of the student body and Faculty who remember Mr. Moore, will be sorry to hear of his sad demise. Prof. Reber received a letter that Mr. Moore wrote but a short time before his death in which he stated that he was Superinten dent of construction and liked his work very much. Heckathorne will be around next week. Get your money ready. egian. The Thespians will make their first appearance of the year in the Auditorium on Friday evening, Feb. 24, in one the late Augustin Daly’s comedies, the name of which will be given out later. The trip arranged by Manager W. H. McDowell will be taken after the performance here and includes Bellefonte, Tyrone and Hollidaysburg, with the possible ad dition of another date. At the meeting Wednesday, Jan. 18th., W. R. Fleming’o6 was elected assistant business manager. The treasurer reported the finances of the organization to be in excellent condition. The preliminary and final trials for parts in the cast will be held in the old Chapel Wednesday Feb. 1, ’O5 at 7p. m. There are at least five excellent parts to be filled and all candidates must hand their written application in before 5 o’clock of the day of the trial to Pres. G. L. Hoffman, Room 316 Main, at which place stage copies of the play can be secured. Y. M. C. A Notes, The nominating committee has nominated the following men for Y. M. C. A. officers for the ensuing year, the election to take place Tuesday, January 31, at 6.30 p. m. President | gjjg Vice President | b.’ D.’ Kunkle Treasurer < Assistant Treas. | Secretary j “r^ Price Five Cents Thespians,
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