State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, January 19, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. 1, No. 14.
FRIDAY, Jan. 20,
8.00 P.M. Basket ball in Armory;
State vs. Altoona A. A.
SATURDAY, Jan. 21.
1.30 P. M. Examinations begin
SUNDAY, Jan. 22,
11.00 A. M. Chapel. Dr. Gill will
6.00 P. M. Y. M. C. A. in room
529 Main. Topic: ‘ ‘The
Student Code of Honor.”
TUESEAY, Jan. 24.
Annual Meeting of the Board
of Trustees at Harrisburg.
A Sad Death
Word was received here on Tues
day of the death of Francis C. John
ston 'O3 in New Mexico last week
where had gone on his return from
the Philippine Islands in the hope of
recovery from that dread disease,
consumption, which he had con
tracted while working in Manilla.
Mr. Johnston on graduation from
State in 1903 secured a position with
the J. G. White Co., Electrical Con
tractors of New York City, and was
assigned to the city of Manilla, Philip
pine Islands. He stayed until ill
health compelled his return to this
Mr. Johnston graduated with hon
ors and gave promise of making his
mark in the world had he been
spared. He was a popular man in
his class and well liked by all who
knew him. The news of his death
was a shock to his many friends
here. He was to be married in the
spring and his fiancee, who is at pres
ent in England, received the sad
news on Sunday.
Lincoln Day.
Monday. Feb. 13, will be the day
of celebration at State College of
the birth of Abraham Lincoln.
Former Lieut. Governor Watres of
Wilkesbarre has consented to make
the principal address. The Senior
class has selected W. B. Hoke as
its orator on this occasion. C. H.
Waller will also deliver an oration.
The exercises will take place in the
Auditorium in the afternoon.
The Pharsonians met in the old
Chapel Wednesday evening, Jan.
11th, and organized for the coming
season. F. J. Saunders ’O5, was
elected President, F. M. Torrence
’O5, Secretary and C H. Waller,
Treasurer. After considerable dis
cussion it was decided to turn over
the proceeds of the February mins
trel show to the College Band and
Orchestra funds. The date of this
performance was not decided on,
but it will probably take place on
the second Friday in February.
A proposition to give a perfor
mance in Boalsburg for the benefit
of the Maccabees was thoroughly
discussed and it was voted to accept
the same, if suitable terms could be
A Good Move.
The Freshman class, getting tired
of the delay of the upper classes in
adopting rules to govern the under
class scraps, took the the matterinto
their own hands .and asked a com
mittee from the Sophomore class to
confer with a committee from their
class to draw up rules to govern the
coming banquet and flag scraps.
The Sophomores sanctioned the
move and in a meeting held last
Monday evening appointed a com
mittee for this purpose.
What They are Doing,
The Stroudsburg Club was or
ganized on the 10th of January with
a membership of fifteen. The ob
ject of the club is to promote fellow
ship among students attending State
from Stroudsburg and vicinity and to
secure more students for the College
from the northeastern part of the
State. The following officers were
elected: President, R. J. Peschko
’O5; Vice President, PL. Voss 'O6;
Secretary, V. V. Veenschoten, 07 ;
Treasurer, G. E. Webster ’O5 ;
Serg’t at Arms, R. U. Krause ’OB.
Regular monthly meetings will be
The Reading Club met at John
sonbaugh’s Saturday evening Jan.
14th, and enjoyed the usual jolly
time. The only business transacted
was the unanimous election of M. J.
Rentschler to honorary membership.
After a ‘‘feed” of pretzels, nuts,
and ice cream, the Club adjourned
to meet again at the call of the
The regular meeting of the Debat
ing Club held at seven thirty, Satur
day evening last, in Room 367 was
well attended and much interest
shown in discussing the different
sections of the new constitution and
by-laws. After some changes from
the form submitted by the commit
tee, they were formally adopted and
the committee discharged. At the
next meeting of the club to be held
Saturday evening, Feb. 4th, the sub
ject of inter-class debates will be
taken up and some definite arrange
ments as to question, judges, time,
etc., decided on.
Price Five Cents