Is coming, but do not worry about selecting presents. We will help you out. We offer a few A Tabard Inn Library Book A Subscription to a Good Maga- A Good Fountain Fen A Nice Combination Game Board and many, many other nice articles that will just suit you, if you will only come to the DRUG STORE and allow us to show them to you. Come early and have a first choice. We cannot re-order. MEEK BROS S. W. KAUN HATTER AND MEN’S FURNISHER Students’ headquarters for Hats, Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, Hosiery. Underwear, Gloves, and Sweaters STATE COLLEGE - PA Joseph Marklc STATE COLLEGE, PA. AL r, kinds choice Meats AT TUB MEAT MARKET ON RITGH STREET Special Inducements to Clubs TELEPHONE Harrison’s Restaurant Ice Cream Parlors Special attention paid to Banquets, Balls and Parties Oysters in Season Students’ Trade Solicited OPPOSITE U. 0. It. It. DEPOT STATE COLLEGE “CHRISTMAS” SUGGESTIONS A Board Game or Card Game A Jewel Case, Manicure Set, Toilet Set or Shaving Set A Purse, Music Case, or Writing Companion The New Drill Manual The new Manual of Drill Regu lations recently adopted by the War Department is causing a little trouble for both officers and men, owing to the many changes made. The Man ual of Arms is practically the same as in the old regulations, changing only the movement from Port to Rt. Shoulder from a two count to a three count movement. The most striking change is in the formation of the Company. Under the new regulations the rear rank “fall in” at a distance of 40 inches and that interval is maintained al ways when marching in company front. The old “fours” are done away with, both as a unit of the company and in the wording of commands, and “squads” are sub stituted. There is a marked tend ency to treat the squad, as a unit, just as they treat the company, as a unit; and thus, “squads right” and “squads right turn,” the move ments which have replaced “fours right” and “right turn” are exe cuted in exactly the same manner as “Company right,” and “Company right turn”. It is impossible to say now how these changes will be ac cepted but some, at least, are very practical and will make drill much simpler. STATE COLLEGE, PA. A Fancy Pipe Rack, Match Holder,or Smoker's Companion Fancy Box Paper, Mirrors, Sew ing Boxes, Cozy Cuts, Brass Gems, Brass Etchings, Orna mental Match Strikers, etc. It will Pay You To buy your Dry Goods Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Etc., of us. Our reputa tion stands back of the goods, which are better, brighter and snappier than ever before. Holmes & Co. Avenue State College, Pa. HI. GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATE COLLEGE. PA Thirty years’ experience in Tnilotlng. Samples of the finest- Imported Goods always on hand. DKKSS SUITS A SPECIALTY S. E. KiMPORT BUTCHER Dealer in Choice Beef, Lamb, Pork, Veal, Salt Meats and Poultry. Special attention given to Caterers. Call and see us on Allen Street, State College.