State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, December 15, 1904, Image 3

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W [This Department is devoted to technical to?
to* subjects of interest Any questions sent to Y
to the Editor of the bTA'I E COLLEGIAN or to
to? dropped in the box at 323 Main will be an- to*
to? swered m subsequent issues by experts in the jvj
to* subjectabout which information is desired. J toj
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The steam turbine though just com
ing into important consideration as a
heat motor, has been one of the ear
liest known forms of motors. It was
known as a “reaction wheel’’ to
Hero (120 B. C.) and proposed by
Eancain 1629 in the form familiar to
us as the Laval type. The first forms
.were simple, that is they had but
one wheel from which the power
was derived. Later, these were
“compounded.” The Parsons is
probably the best known of this form
and its computed efficiency, without
allowance for waste, is about 87 per
cent. Actual consumption of steam is
from 16 to 26 pounds per electric horse
power with pressures ranging from
200 to 80 pounds. Speed is from
2000 to £OOO revolutions per minute.
In small wheels the speed runs up
as high as 35,000 R. P. M.
The sizes of turbines vary any
where from sto 7500 H. P. The
turbine tested in the Mechanical
Laboratory, lately, developed 15 H.
P. at a speed of about 30,000 R. P.
M. consuming 50 pounds steam per
horse power hour.
Turbines are high speed motors
and as such are coming into extend
ed use in power plants and marine
work. Advantages claimed for the
latter are:
(1). Increase in speed, economy
of steam, carrying power, stability
of vessel, safety to machinery for
war purposes.
(2). Reduction in weight of
machinery, space, initial cost, cost
of attendance on machinery, vibra
tion, size and weight of screw pro
peller and shafting.
The steam turbine, practically in
its infancy at present, will in time
supersede the steam engine in a
great many instances and is rapidly
gaining headway although compara
tively little is known about it.
E. J. Reimel ’O5
The returns from the recent presi
dantial election were distributed
through the islands of Hawaii largely
by wireless telegraphy.
The municipal lighting faction of
the Milwaukee Council has met its
second defeat. Their bill called for
the issuing of $150,000 bonds to
construct a municipal plant.
The question of substituting elec
trical for steam power on the long dis
tance railway systems of the country,
is occupying the minds of electrical
men to-day. This question and the pos
sibility of using alternating currents
for such purposes is discussed by J.
Gilbert White on page 1010 of the
Electrical World and Engineer for
Dec. 12, 1904.
The Japanese Electrical Associa
tion, which corresponds to the Nation
al Electric Light Association of this
country, has been meeting with un
usual success. The organization,
which was forwarded in 1892, con
sists of honorary members, indi
vidual members, and companies.
The association conducts a con
tinuous exhibit at Tokio, which is
open at twelve every day except
Sundays and holidays.
Harry G. Marsters, of Brocton,
Mass., manager of Standard Oil in
southern Mass., was killed while
hanging up his telephone receiver. It
appears that while in this act he had
one hand upon an electric light and
so completed a circuit which killed
him. The lights in that part of the
city have been shut off untiil it can
be ascertained whether the Light
ing on the Telephone Company is to
The development of the telephone
in the past decade has been remark
able. It is not a long time since a
town of several thousand inhabi
tants was fortunate in having a pay
station. To-day such towns are a
net work of private ’phones, as
well as commercial and long-distance
lines. At present in many sections
of the country the farmers have
already formed independent com
panies. An interesting discussion of
the cost of operating telephone sys
tems in farming communities is to
be found on page 1003 of the Elec
trical World and Engineer for Dec.l2.
E. E. Society.
The Electrical Engineering Society
held its regular weekly meeting in
the Engineering building on Wednes
day evening o f last week. The follow
ing papers were read and discussed.
“Heavy Electric Traffic on the
Long Island Railroad.” by Seguine
’O5. Continuation of the same, by
Rainey. “Air Blast Transformers,”
by Weaver, ’O5. The members
voted to have a supper at Harri
son’s, the following Wednesday
Sept, issue.—An article on Assaying
by Evans Burkett. Gives an outline of
methods and list of apparatus and ma
terials used. It is to be continued
through several papers.
Oct. issue.— Bituminous Coal
Breakers by Lewis Stockett. As bitu
minous coal is not often treated in a
breaker this process may be read with
Same issue.— The Kansas Salt In
dustry by W. R. Crane. As the pro
cess carried on here is practically the
same as in most other salt regions
a general idea of the process can be
Nov. issue.— Small Quick Running
Fans by James Tonge. This is an ac
count of some new ventilators and the
advantages claimed for them.
Electrical and Steam Haulage by
Neil Hutchings. This a description of
haulage as practiced by the Tennessee
Coal, Iron and Railroad Co.
The Hoisting Problem by James R.
Thompson. The article shows the re
lation of underground requirements, the
engineering, mechanical, and the
financial considerations.
Nov. 10th issue.— The Mines of
Laurium Greece by Henry F. Collins.
These mines are doubly interesting on
account of their renewed commercial
importance and history, having been
worked by the Ancient Greeks.
“Mr. Robinson, what can
you say of the grade of-a mine rail
road, using mule-power?”
“Billy” —(trying to bluff) “Well —
that —depends” —
“Slip” Ames —
Zern, — 1
“On the mule!