State College Hotel J. B. Shuman, Proprietor I'ENTIIALLY L'JOATLCI) SPECIAL HATES TO Si'll DENTS EXCELLENT ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRANSIENT TRADE LIVERY IN CONNECTION STEAM HEAT GuOD CUISINE A FTNIS LTNE OF CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND Huntingdon Laundry Ft. L. DUFF, AGENT Soft wash - 50 cents per dozen SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Laundiy B-igs Ftee to Customcis 4 a neat Hair Cut, Shave, Shampoo, Massage Treatment, Callon c.A. WOMER (Successor to C. L. Croyle) SHOP IN COLLEGE HOTEL Krumrine & Pearoe STATE'S BIG STORE DRY GOODS In nil tlie newest effects In Wool and Wash Fabrics GENTS* FURNISHINGS The b 'St line of Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hosiery. Underwear Is found hero SHOES SHOES SHOES AND Til BN SOME We have more Shoes than any two stores in town. Try a pair of the State shoes for winter. S 3 50 and SI 00 GROCERIES AND TAttMi SUPPLIES The llncst anil best line ill the city is found with us. Freshman=Sophomore Game Continued from Pane 1 This is the first time a Freshman team has triumphed over the Sophs since 1902 defeated 1901. The game began at 2.30 by Hon hart kicking off to Mcllveen, who caught the ball on the 20 yard line and ran it back 10 yards before be ing downed. Partridge made 4 yards through Bodine and “Mac” made 2 through Ritchie. First down. Henry struck his tackle for 2 yards and Partridge advanced it 4 more in an attack on centre. ‘ ‘Mac’ ’ failed to gain around left end, being thrown by Hargest. Partridge 3 through Van Horn. Wray made 1 yard on the next play and the ball went to the Freshmen on downs on the Sophs 45 yard line. Kreider began operations by making 1 yard through McWilliams. Lilley made a similar gain by a mass on tackle. Honhart punted to the Sophs 10 yard line, where Leathers tackled “Mac.” Henry made 1 yard through Zinc. “Mac” wisely punted on the next play to the 45 yard line where Kreider fumbled but picked up the ball and ran 5 yards before being tackled by Engle. A fumble on the first play cost the Freshmen 7 yards. Honhart punted poorly and the ball went out of bounds but 10 yards in advance of the line of scrimmage. Partridge made 1 through Van Horn, Wray 3 through Ritchie and then secured first down by making 1 through Zinc. Henry and Wray failed to gain in in two attacks through Zinc and “Mac” was compelled to punt. Honhart caught and made 5 yards before being downed. The game up to this punt had been very evenly contested both teams putting up a very stubborn defense. Tne Freshmen were evidently sur prised at their own showing and from now-on put more determina tion into their work. Zinc tore off 8 yards through left tackle and then made 5 through the same place, Ritchie made 4 yards in two attempts through Kunkle and Kreider made it first down going through Mc- Williams for 2. Honhart added 5 more by a run around left end. Zinc and Kreider failing to gain, Honhart punted to “Mac” who was thrown on the 10 yard line. IT WILL PAY YOU to examine THE “ INTERNATIONAL ” SAMPLES before you liny your Winter Suits, Overcoat or Rain Coat INPOIITKt) ENGLISH CORDUROYS NO FIT. P. M. RAINEY, Agt. NO PAY ROOM 578. MAIN W, HARVEY FOR CIGARS, TOBACCO *>l2 FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A full line of Smokers’ Fancy Articles ALLEN ST., STATE COLLEGE, PA. SHEASLY’S BAKERY FOR FINE CONFECTIONERY Dandies always trcsli because we buy DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT QUICK LUNCHES A SPKCJALTY Oysters Ice Cream Soda Wator WE ALWAYS TRY TO PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS C< B. SHEASLY, Proprietor HARDWARE Good Goods Lowest Prices Honest inspection and fair judgment is ail I ask JOHN I. OLEWINE BcllefQnte - Pa. College Book Boom HEADQUARTERS FOR STUDENTS* SUPPLIES j Ist floor Main Bldg. Room No. 105
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