State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, December 08, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. 1, No. 10.
State —Dickinson Debate at Carlisle,
11.00 A.M. Chapel. Dr. Gill
will preach.
6.00 P. M. Y. M. C. A. Meeting
in Room 529 Main. Topic
“Things We Look at.”
7.00 P. M. Forum, 367 Main.
8.00 P. M. Literary Club at Prof,
6.30 P. M. C. E. Society, Room
20. Engineering Building.
6.30 P. M. E. E. Society in Room
20, Engineering Building.
A. A. Meeting,
A meeting of the Athletic Asso
ciation was held in the Old Chapel
on Friday evening, Dec. 2, and was
one that should set the pace for those
to come —the Chapel being crowded
to “standing room only.” The sub
stance of the meeting briefly was
as follows:
Trophies: —In order to equip the
trophy room in the Track House, it
was decided to buy foot balls and
base’ balls for each past State victory
and have them decorated in the col
ors of the losing team and with the
score. This will require about fifty
foot balls and about sixty base balls.
The Association appropriated $2OO
for this purpose.
Furnishings for Track House: —
The furnishings of the Track House
being incomplete it was voted that
the Association give $3OO for addi-
tional furniture, dishes, silverware
and repairing of the piano which had
just been purchased.
Bleachers: —A committee of five
was appointed to arrange for and
estimate the cost ot new bleachers
on Beaver Field. Ray, (Chairman,)
Hoskins, Hamilton, Kell, and Davis
all ’O5, compose the committee.
Monogram caps done away with: —
This question was warmly discussed
but was carried unanimously. The
fact that any student could wear a
P. S. C. cap, lowered the value of
the “S.” This, of course, does
not apply here at the College, for
the distinction between the two is
well known, but among strangers it
is not understood, and anyone seeing
the P. S. C. might naturally suppose
that it is a reward for athletic prow
ess, which would be manifestly un
fair to wearers of the “S.” It was
a good move and will give to the
men who earn their letter the honor
they deserve. This is to go
into effect immediately.
The motion to grant Coach Gol
den an “S” was lost, after consider
able discussion.
Skating: —The question of repair
ing Thompson’s dam for skating
was brought up but it was found too
late to get it in shape for the coming
winter. The problem of flooding
some of the low meadow lands is
being investigated.
One of Beck’s Jokes,
Ray ’O5 (in Bellefonte), “I lost
my umbrella, somewhere this
Beck ’O5: —I saw a sign in Mont
gomery & Co.’s store ‘Umbrellas
re-covered while you wait,-’ perhaps
they can help you out.”
Ed: “Maybe they can.”
Phi Gamma Delta House Quar-
McDowell ’O5 and Skinner 'OB of
the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity,
having developed cases of scarlet
fever were confined to their rooms
last Monday and the house, includ
ing the rrembers, quarantined. Dr.
Robison pronounces the case mild,
and states that if no others are de
veloped the members will be released
within a week.
Dr. Wyman to Leave.
Dr. L. P. Wyman, Instructor in
Quantitative Analysis, has sent in his
resignation to take effect at the close
of this term. He has been appointed
to take charge of the Department of
Chemistry at the Pennsylvania Mili
tary College, Chester, Pa.
Mr. A. S. Shoffstall will move up
from the Qualitative to the Quantita
tive Laboratory. M. J. Rentschler ’O4
at present in the Pennsylvania Rail
road Laboratories at Altoona, will take
Mr. Shoffstall’s place.
Freshman—Sophomore Game
The Freshman Sophomore game
last Saturday was a complete sur
prise to everyone. It was ex
pected that the Sophs, with six
of the Varsity squad in their line-up,
and outweighing the Freshmen about
fifteen pounds to the man would
prove easy winners. The Freshmen
however showed unexpected strength
and played the Sophs off their feet.
Honhart deserves great credit for
the victory as it can be mainly at
tributed to his good head work. By
his magnificent playing he also in
spired the rest of the team. He
was in every play tuging and pulling.
Dunn also deserves mention as it
was mainly through his defensive
work in the line that the Sophs were
compelled to kick so often.
Price Five Cents.
Continued on Page 6