NOTICE —MEEK BROS. are in position to furnish you with DRAWING INSTRUMENTS from Keffel & Esser Co., Wm. E. Stieren Co., Riefler & Al tender Drawing Papers, Scales, Triangles, Curves, Tee Squares, Pencils, Erasers, etc. Every thing needed for the drawing room. Will order anything not in stock without extra cost. IN STATIONERY we have the largest assortment of box Paper ever displayed in the country, the latest in styles, size and color. Writing tab lets, note, pack, and letter size, ruled and plain, light and heavy, 5c to 50c each. Pencil tablets, note and composition books, vest pocket memoran dums and account books. Pens, pen holders, pencils, erasers, ink, mucilage, paste, card racks and photo mailers. FOUNTAIN PENS “Parker,” “Wirt,” “Laugh lin.” Every pen guaranteed. STATE PINS all the latest designs. Waste paper baskets, alarm clocks, mirrors, tooth, hair, lather, clothes, hat and flesh brushes, hand scrubs, combs, sponges, chamois, etc. BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOVELS Ladies’ Home Journal, Satur day Evening Post, and Argosy ordered only on request. Cigars, cigarettes, and tobies, pipes, smoking tobacco, novel ties for the smoker’s den. SODA WATER all flavors 5c., Sundae 5c., ice cream soda and egg phosphate 10c. Give us a call and if we cannot suit you or do not have what you want we will tell you where you can get it. We will order anything in our line for you without exlra charge. We take subscriptions for any pub lications for Fraternities and Clubs at reduced prices. Souvenir Postal Cards State College Pennants Terms Cash THE DRUG STORE, H. D- & P. B. MEEK. counts. He shall pay out money from the several department accounts upon written orders from the re spective managers. He shall not transfer money from one account to the other without a two-thirds vote of the Association excepting at the end of the collegiate year, for the purpose of balancing accounts and clearing off the indebtedness of any or all of the departments. Section 5. The advisory com mittee shall consist of three mem bers who shall be local Alumni, and who shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Alumni Association, and two members who shall be mem bers of the Faculty (including In structors), local Alumni or former students or members of the Senior class, who shall be elected early in the fall term at a meeting of the of ficers of the Athletic Association. It shall be the duty of the Advisory Committee to examine the books of the Treasurer, as well as those of the several managers, at the end of each term, or whenever so directed by the Association, and in each case to report to the Association, and to advise the several managers and of ficers. The five members shall have equal rights. A little bird sat on a telegraph wire, And said to his friends, “X declare If wireless telegraphy comes into vogue, We'll all have to sit in the air.” Ex. I wrote a poem "Come back to me,” I thought 'twould bring in gold; But by return of post I found It did as it was told. — Quill. Herbert took his best girl in, To get an ice-cream Sundie, But when he came to pay, he found He’d have to wait till Monday. ■9 ft H Blustering Breezes may bluster to their ft & heart's content ifyou’rc securely tucked ft ■9 tc •3 away in the folds of a 1 Sim” Belt- ft •D ft § Back OVERCOAT. They’re as styl- ft .*3 ft •3 ish as they are sturdy and the most of ft •yt each. They represent a ‘‘quantity of ft ,3 quality” for little money. r- -3 ft I S. W. KALIX HATTER AND MEN'S FURNISHER Students’ headquarters for Hats. Neckwear. Fancy Shirts. Hosiery. Underwear. Gloves, ar.d Sweaters STATE COLLEGE Joseph Markle STATE COLLEGE. PA. am. kind, choice Meats AT TUB MEAT MAUIvEU os PL’GSi r-TIIEET special Inducements to Clubs TELEPHONE It will Pay You To buy your Dry Goods Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Etc., of us. Our reputa- tiou stands back of the goods, which are better, brighter ar.d snappier than ever before Holmes & Co. c a 1«« State College, Pa. H. GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATU COLLKUE. I’A Thirty vi*ur>’ exporiotuv h; Taiw'nr.: Sumplot'Of iho U:.vvr?*\i Go.kU ah' n.' > v'u hat'vl. I'KKSS SUITS A SS'KCIAi.TV S. E. KIMPORT BUTCHER Dealer in Choice Beef. Lamb. Pork, t Veal. Salt Meats and Poulin. Special S attention given to Caterers. Call amt see us on Allen Street, State College.