State College Hotel J. 6. Shuman. Proprietor CENTRALLY LOCATED SPECIAL KATES TO STL HUNTS EXCELLENT ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRANSIENT TRADE LIVERY IN CONNECTION S I'EAM 11F..V1 GOOD CUISINE A I*7XE LINE OF CRIAIiS ALWAYS ON HAND Huntingdon Laundry R. L. DUFF, AGENT Soft wash - 50 cents per dozen SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Lctunji'u 3ncs Fie - :o Customers 4 a neat Hair Cut, Shave, Shampoo, Massage Treatment, canon c< S- woMER (Successor to C. L. Croyle) SHOP IN COLLEGE HOTEL Krumrine & Pearce STATE'S BIG STORE DRY GOODS In till the newest cilccts in Wool and Wash Fabrics GENTS 1 FURNISHINGS The best lino oi Shirts, Colbtr% Ties, Underwear ls» found here SHOES SHOES SHOES ANII THEN J-OMIt We lnive moie Shoes than any two stores in town. Try a pair of ihe Stale shoes lor winter. SJ.uO and $4 00 GROCERIES AND TAHLK SUPPLIES The linesl and best line in the city Is found with us. The Constitution of the Ath- letic Association The first installment of the con stitution appeared in last week's issue. A part will be printed each week as the revising committee prepares it, in accordance with the action at a previous meeting. ARTICLE IV Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meet ings,' to expound the Constitution and By-Laws, to enforce a due observ ance thereof, to decide upon all questions of order, to call meetings, to appoint officers and committees not otherwise provided for, to fill temporary vacancies, and to issue orders on the Treasurer for bills not belonging to either of the three de partments.. Section 2. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all the duties of that officer. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep, in books provided for the purpose, full and complete minutes of the proceedings of the Association, and a complete and correct list of the various games and sports of the Association to gether with dates and names of players. His list of active mem bers, other than those given in the catalogue, shall be kept. He shall carry on all correspondence not with in province of the other departments. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer, who shall be a resi dent member of the Alumni or of the Instruction force, to receive all dues, to receive donations, and from the managers, the net receipts of all Athletic events; to keep a full and correct account of all money received and paid out, under four separate heads: Association account, Foot Ball account, Base Ball account and General Athletic account. Under the head of the Association account shall be entered all items not be longing to any of the other three ac- IT WILL PAY YOU to examine THE “ INTERNATIONAL ” SAMPLES before you buy your Winter Suits. Overcoat or Rain Coat IKPOKTUb ENGLISH COItDUKOYS NO FIT. P. M. RAINEY. Agt, NO PAY ROOM 576. MAIN G? ° J, W. HARVEY von CIGARS, TOBACCO *212 FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A full line of Smokers* Fancy Articles ALLEN ST., STATE COLLEGE, PA SHEASLY’S BAKERY FINE CONFECTIONERY Candles always fresh because we bliy* Dili KG L* FltOM manuvaituukks RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT QUICK LUNCHES A SPECIALTY Oysters Ice Cream Soda Water WE ALWAYS TUY TO PLEASE OTTIt CUSTOMBUS C, B. SHEASLY, Proprietor HARDWARE Good Goods Lowest Prices Honest inspection and fair judgment is all I ask JOHN I. OLEWINE Bellefonte - Pa. College Book Room HEADQUARTERS FOR STUDENTS' SUPPLIES Ist floor Main Bldg. Room No. 105