State College Hotel J. B. Shuman. Proprietor CENTKALLY LOCATED SPECIAL KATES TO SIT DENTS EXCELLENT ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRANSIENT TRADE LIVELY IX CONNECTION SI’EAM IIEA'I GOOD CUISINE A ITN'E LINE OK CIGAKS ALWAYS ON HAND Huntingdon Laundry R. L. DUFF, AGENT Soft wash - 50 cents per dozen SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Lmutj B"»C!S Free to Custcnots 4 a neat Hair Gut, Shave, Shampoo, Massage Treatment, canon c _ S _ WOMER (Successor to C. L Croyle) SHOP IN COLLEGE HOTEL Krumrine & Pearce STATE J S BIG STORE DRY GOODS In till the newest eiTeels In Wool and Wash Fabrics GENTS* FURNISHINGS The host line of Shirts, Collars, Ties, Ilosleiy, Underwear is found hero SHOES SHOES SHOES AND Til EN SOME We have more Shoes than any two stores in town. Try a pair of the Slate shoes lor winter. SJJ.3O and $l.OO GROCERIES AND TABLE SUPPLIES The finest and best line in the city Is found with us. The Constitution of the Athletic Association. A part of this Constitution will be printed each week, as the revising committee prepares it, in accordance with the action at a previous meet ing. ARTICLE I. NAME AND DEPARTMENTS Section 1. This Association shall be known as “The Pennsylvania State College Athletic Association,” and shall be divided into three de partments: —Foot ball Ease ball and General Athletic. Section 1. The General Athletic Department shall include all sports excepting foot ball and base ball. ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section 1. This Association shall consist of active and associate mem bers. Section 2. All regularly matricu lated male students of the College having paid the athletic fee are ac tive members. Any male member of the Faculty, Instructor, or Alum nus of this institution may become an active member at any time upon the payment of the regular dues to the Treasurer, and having his name recorded by the secretary. When ever an active member shall fail to pay his dues he shall forfeit his rights as an active member. Section 3. Associate members shall consist of former members of this Association, all alumni, mem bers of the Faculty, and Instructors. Section 4. Both associate and active members may attend meetings and have equal rights to the floor, but voting shall be confined to ac tive members. ARTICLE 111 OFFICERS Section 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treas urer, and an Advisory Committee. Section 2. One year shall consti tute a term of office. Section 3. The elections of these officers excepting the Advisory Committee shall be held on the sec id Mond: IT WILL PAY YOU to examine THE “ INTERNATIONAL ” SAMPLES bufore >ou biy your Winter Suits. Overcoat or Rain Coat INPOLTKI) ENGLISH OOKDUHOYS NO FIT, P. M. RAINEY, Act. NO PAY ROOM 578. MAIN °?=J, W. HARVEY KOIt CIGARS, TOBACCO and FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A full line of Smokers’ Fancy Articles ALLEN ST.. STATE COLLEGE, PA SHEASLY’S BAKERY FINE CONFECTIONERY V’andios always frpsli because wp buy 01KEC1’ FROM MAMJFAt TI7HKKS RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT QUICK LUNCHES A SPECIALTY Oysters Ice Cream Soda Water WE ALWAYS THY TO PLEASE OUU CUSTOMEPS C, B, SHEASLY, Proprietor HARDWARE Good Goods Lowest Prices Honest inspection and fair judgment is ali I ask JOHN I. OLEWINE Bellefonte - Pa. College Book Room HEADQUARTERS FOR STUDENTS’ SUPPLIES Ist floor Main Bldg. Room No. 105
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers