State Coll Vol. 1, No. V/ Calendar. THURSDAY, NOV. 3 8.00 P. M. Jacob Riis in the Au ditorium. “The Battle with the Slums.” SATURDAY, NOV. 5 3.00 P.M. State Team vs. Belle fonte Academy. SUNDAY, NOV. 6. 9.45 A. M. Bible Classes. 11.00 A.M. Chapel. 6.00 P. M. Y. M. C. A. in Room 529 Main. Topic, “Backing the Team.” 0. C. Hays, .eader, TUESDAY, NOV. 8, Election, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9. 6.30 P. M. E. E. Society in Room 20, Engineering Building. 8.00 P. M. Natural History Club. Seniors Visit St. Louis. On Friday, October 21, a party composed of twenty Seniors, Me chanicals and Electricals, and six Junior Electricals were given a ten day’s leave of absence to make an inspection trip to the World’s Fair at St. Louis. The party ac companied the football team and rooters to Pittsburg where they waited to see the State —W. & J. game. Saturday morning was given to a visit to the Westinghouse es tablishment where the bunch was di vided into squads and given to the care of old State men as guides. These were Gerwig, ’O2, Heck and Colvin, ’O4. Saturday night most of the fellows attended the different heatres to their liking. Sunday morning at 2.10 all were STATE COLLEGE, PA., NOV. 3, 19C4. due at Union Depot —so was the tram. The train was late —so were some of the fellows, but three o’clock found all united on the way to St. Louis. It was a tired bunch and soon all were quiet. There was a general awakening on the prairies in the morning. The trip through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois was very inter esting as we caught up with a ‘ ‘flock of buffalo” on a “patch of prairie dogs.” St. Louis was sighted at 7.10 p. m. and Cummings and Cul bertson, both ex-05, were there to guide the Seniors to their rooms on Pine street. While at St. Louis during the day the different sections would meet their respective division officers at 9.30 a. m, at appointed places and proceed to study the various things of interest until about three in the afternoon. In this way were seen the advantage of the most interest ing and up-to-date works in mechan ical and electrical engineering. The inspecting students had in many cases advantages which the ordi nary sight-seer had not —that of special demonstration. This was due to the work and management of Profs. Reber and Jackson who de serve great credit for the way in which they scheduled the places of most interest to their 'respective classes. Monday night all were tired and, as the rule, retired early. But on Tuesday night they “hit the Pike” in a bunch. Occasionally running opposition to the shouters and songs ters by yells or songs these gay stu dents were given free passes in order to get rid of their noise. They slid the “helter-skelter” and flew the ‘ ‘flying machine’ ’ at half price for two rides in one. In short they egian. were an advertisement for many of the shows. Saturday night they viewed a Democratic parade for which the city gave a smoker. The smoke was so dense that the parade was in invisible. At 11.35 there was a rush for the train at Union Station and twenty-five hours travel constituted the final number on the program. NOTES ON THE TRIP Seguine (.o a guard)—“Say do they keep the “pike” in the U. S. Fish & Fisheries Building?” Bennett —Say, fellows, I wonder when they will feed the lagoons?” A Kansas farmer to NcNary.— “Hey, little fellow, how did they git this Ferris wheel from Chicago?” McNary —“I dont know, but I think they rolled it.” “Cy” Johnson and Beck were running to catch a street car, — “Cy” got on but “Call” didn’t. Seeing that he was alone, “Cy” jumped off like a woman, lit like a pile-driver and Beck went into hys terics. Even Eshleman went to the Al hambra. Shorty Christman —‘ ‘Which build ing is the Ferris wheel in?” Bausman walked so much that he got sore feet. While at the Stand ard Theatre that evening he said, “To save my sole I believe I’ll have to take off my shoes.” “Potts” (at Pittsburg)—“l wish I’d brought my drum along, I might have ‘beat’ my way out to St. Louis.” When the girls left the train at Jewett, Ohio, “Torrys” watch stopped. Price Five Cents.
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