W. U. FOSTER DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE SPECIALTIES Walk-over Shoes for Ladies and Gents. Gents’ Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Ladies’ fine Dress Goods in the very latest styles. Fancy Groceries —of the finest quality. Don’t forget that we carry a full line of A. G. Spaulding’s Sporting Goods. Telephone STATE COLLEGE, PA. Athletic Meeting. At a meeting of the Athletic Asscia - tion on Tuesday evening, October 18, a committee was appointed to draw up a new constitution for the Association, this committee being requested to formulate new rules as to awarding the Varsity “S” to members of the athletic teams. A committee on Accommodations was appointed to investigate rail road excursion rates to Williamsport for the Dickinson game. At the close of the meeting the students crowded to the front of the chapel and practiced organized cheering. Natural History Club. The regular meeting of the Natur al History Club was held Oct. 19. Ingram and Groff, both of ’O7, were elected members, and E. P. Hayes, ’OB, was proposed for membership. Spicer gave an interesting talk on STATE COLLEGE STUDIO W. W. SMITH, ARTIST ‘‘Things to be seen at St. Louis,” and Lee read a paper on ‘‘The Plum Curculio. ” The Club meets every Wednesday evening and all interest ed in natural history are invited to at tend. Harrison’s Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlors Special attention paid to Banquets, Balls and Parties Oysters in Season Students’ Trade Solicited OPPOSITE I!. C. 11. It. DEPOT STATE COLLEGE - PA Stands as a synonym for all that is new, artistic and up-to-date in Photography. If you watch this space during this college year we will try and demonstrate this fact to your satisfaction. Please call and examine our work OUR MOTTO Nothing but the best is good enough for our pa patrons. OUR AIM To please. If we don’t do it, tell us our mistakes. V/e will correct them. Graham TONSORIAL PARLOR Palace Restaurant Go lhoio Tor :i lull line of Sand wiches ai’d Quick Lunch We our owi. home-boiled ham in sandwiches. Oysters served in all styles Boarding by the week, day or meal WG. CALDWELL, Prop.
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