State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, October 26, 1904, Image 5
as a revelation to many who had not known before the actual conditions of living among the poor in our great cities. Mr. Riis is the author of other important works: “The Child ren of the Poor,” “Out of Mulberry Street, ’ ’ ‘ ‘The Battle with the Slums, ’ ’ “The Making of an American.” Mr. Riis will appear in the Audi torium on the evening of Nov. 3rd and give his lecture ‘ ‘The Battle with the Slums,” illustrated with the lan tern slides. Prof. Pattee’s Book, The American Historical Rewiew for July contains this notice of Pro fessor Pattee’s second volume of Frenau’s poems ‘ ‘The second volume of The Poems of Philip Frenau, Poet of the American Revolution, has been issued with the imprint of the Princeton University Library (Princeton, 1903, pp. x, 407.) The material is in some ways more deserving of a notice in a his torical periodical than in a literary journal; nearly the whole volume is taken up with poems of an occa sional character, embodying in rhyme or in studied periods, the thought and passion of the time. For the student of the Revolution, therefore, the book is of importance, and American scholars should be grateful to Mr. Pattee for the care with which these pieces have been brought together.” The Historical Review for October contains the first instalment of the ‘ ‘President Pierce Papers’ ’ 1852-1862 edited and contributed to the Re view by P. 0. Ray. Announcement, President Leitzell of the Co-op erative Association announces that co-operative tickets will be on sale at the Book Room on and after Nov. Ist. All who wish to become mem bers of the Association and be en titled to the benefits thereof, may do so at that time. The student offi cers of the Association will be elect ed at the end of this year. “Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long,” but when it comes to his wearing apparel he’s pretty particular. B. KUPPENHEIMER & $lO.OO TO $15.00 Guaranteed by us and the makers and sold by us exclusively. KUPPENHEIMER & CO. clothes and our sons are destined to do likewise. There’s something in a name after all —Shakespeare to the contrary notwithstanding. Step into our store and examine the new arrivals —the neatest, nobbiest ready to wear apparel ever seen in this section. FOR SALE BY US ONLY MONTGOMERY & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. GItOUPS BOOK OF FLA&itriicuns coM«hui: vnsus Suscotcoi to W. E Ketch* -1 u\.ma\e,v\v j OUR BUSINESS i f ls TO A ? A l ' E FACES V . M ,K. AND FRAMES ? THE MALLORY STUDIO P A Bellefonte. Pa. i Guy L. McEntire. Agent. 3d Floor. Main Q First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. The apparel bearing the label of is designed for particular men. The suits and top coats sell at Our fathers stood by CO. THE Pctter-Hoy Hardware Go. Has always been, and con tinues to be, HEADQUARTERS FOR ANYTHING you may want in the HARDWARE line. We solicit your patronage. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co, BELLEFONTE. PA. Give others a trial if you wish but if you want your work done light every time, send to the “OLD RELIABLE” EMPIRE STEAM LAUNDRY OF LOCK HAVEN Soft wash. J. J. MORGAN f SOc a doz. P. A. RAINEY f Agents