STATE COLLEGIAN Published on Thursday of each week during the college year in the interest of The Pennsylvania State College. EDITORS, W. B. HOKE, ’O5, Chief, ALEX. HART, Jr., ’O5, F. M. TORRENCE, ’O5, T. F. FOLTZ, ’O6, F. K. BREWSTER, ’O7 BUSINESS MANAGER. W. G. HECKATHORNE, ’O6. ASSISTANT MANAGER. C. R. OBERFELL, ’O6 SUBSCRIPTION. $1.50 per year or $1 25 if paid within 30 days after date of subscription. Thursday Oct. 26, 1904. Editorial The rules for various class rushes published in the Collegian of last weeK, seem to meet on the whole with a favorable reception. The greatest objection seems to be with the rule in the Banquet rush, giving the Sophs the victory if they cap ture the President of the Freshman class, the toastmaster, or two of the speakers. This seems to us an emi nently fair regulation. The Sophs should be given a fair opportunity to win and in the previous banquet rushes this has not been so. It has been urged that a Freshman presi dent may not want to go. Well, it is the duty of every Freshman to attend his class banquet and if a president should happen to be finan cially embarrassed, the class will find a means to take him along as previous classes have done, especial ly if the running of the rush depends on his attendance. It is manifestly impossible for the Sophs to permit the entire Fresh man class from attending and if they succeed in getting one of the pre scribed men they have done well. At any rate it will make the rush more interesting than it has in the past to the upper classes. That Game! The score of the Navy-Dickinson game last Saturday gives some idea of what the team must do this year. The team fully realizes that in Annapolis and Dickinson it has opponents worthy of the name. W. & J. had a first class eleven but it was not the equal of either of the above named teams. This means that the men who are practicing hard every evening need your very best support now as well as later. Get out to the field and systemize your cheering. Practice is the only way to learn yells and songs. Dickinson is sure of victory. Each week their slogan sounds, “Remember!” It is yours to see that they do remember it in a way they cannot forget. They are going to have a large crowd. You must have a larger. Every student is due at Williamsport on Saturday, No vember 12, and should have the worst of excesses if he is not there. ONLY TWO WEEKS! College Mass Meeting. On Monday evening, October 23, a mass meeting was held in the old Chapel for the purpose of practising songs and yells for the Williamsport game. Capt. Forkum was present and gave an account of the W. & J. game at Pittsburg. Hamilton led the cheering, and great enthusiasm was shown. Indications point to the largest crowd of State rooters ever known at a game away from State College, when State meets Dickin son on Nov. 12. Every new man, and every old man as well, should make plans to go. It will be very lonesome in State College that day. Get into the game! An Inspection Trip, The Senior Agriculturists journey ed to Bellefonte on Tuesday to in spect a car load of horses that had just arrived from the West. Prof. Mairs had charge of the trip. Jacob A. Riis. No one in our time perhaps has done more to better the social con dition of our great cities than has Jacob A. Riis. President Roosevelt was so impressed with the value of Mr. Riis’s work as a social reformer that he has spoken of him as ‘ ‘the most useful citizen in New York.” Mr. Riis’s career as an American is of peculiar interest. Something over thirty years ago he landed in New York, a poor young man seek ing his fortune in the new world. He wandered about the city for many days in search for work, sleep ing in police stations and wherever else he could and suffering the se verest privations of poverty and homelessness. His first start was made in newspaper work when he became police reporter for the New York Sun. His work brought him into close touch with the awful so cial conditions of the slum districts and revealed to him the urgent need for reform. It was thus his career as a social reformer began. During twenty-five years of newspaper work he aimed at enlightening the people of New York as to the real con dition of the city tenement districts. In all his writing and work his only thought was the bettering of these conditions. His plan for reform in cluded the tearing down of crime and disease breeding tenements and the substitution of lighter, cleaner homes for the poor, the construction of parks and play grounds for the children: the providing of ample public school facilities and the es tablishment of boys’ clubs and girls’ cooking and sewing schools. That Mr. Riis has been able to see these reforms begun and in many cases accomplished bears witness to the wisdom of his plans and the energy and success of his execution. Mr. Riis is perhaps best known to the American public by his writings. “How the Other Half Lives” came
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers