THE State College Hotel J. B. SHUMAN, Prop. Centrally Located. Special rates to students. Excellent attention given to transient trade. Livery in Connection. Steam Heat. Good Cuisine. A fine line of cigars always on hand. HIPPOK MIRY. R. It. DUFF, Fgent Soft CUasta 50ets. pep doz SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LiaundPy Bags pi<ee to Customers. 4 a neat. Hair Cut*, Shave, Shampoo, Massage Treatment.. Call on C. P. WOMER, Successor to C L Croy'e (Shop in College Hotel.) KRIWtIE k PEARCE, STATE’S BIG STORE DRY GOODS. In all the uewest effects in wool and Wash Fabrices CENTS FURNISHINGS The Best Line of Shirts, Collars, To s Hosiery Underwear is found here. SHOES and then some SHOES We have more Shoes than any two stores in town. Try a pair of the State Shoes for winter. §3 50 and §4 (10 Groceries and Table Supplies The finest and best line in the city is found with us. “JUNIOR WEEK” AT PENN. The following was taken from the Philadelphia Press of Sunday, Oct. 16th. State College might do worse than try something on the same order, although necessarily more limited scale. Junior week will be inaugurated at the University of Pennsylvania during Thanksgiving week. Heretofore the social gatherings at the University have been scatter ed throughout the year, and it has been difficult for the out-of-town men to bring their friends here. In order to alleviate this difficulty the Students’ Discipline Committee has planned a series of entertainments which will last for nearly a week during the Thanksgiving holidays. During this “Junior Week,” as the affair will be termed, the Uni versity buildings and clubs will be open for the visitors and a program will be announced. At present the following enter tainments are being planned : Thursday, Nov. 24th, afternoon, football game at Franklin Field, Cornell vs. Pennsylvania ; evening, combined musical clubs’ concert. Houston Hall, Friday, Nov. 25th, afternoon, fraternity teas ; evening, Junior ball in the new gymnasium. Saturday, Nov. 26th, afternoon, football game at Franklin Field, West Point vs. Annapolis ; evening, theatre parties. Sunday, Nov. 27th, morning, services at Houston Hall and visit to University buildings. During this week the fraternity houses, some twenty in number, will give house parties. MATHEMATICAL CLUB. The Mathematical club, consist ing of members of the faculty, met Monday evening, Oct. 10th, for election of officers and general arrangement of work for the year. Prof. Tudor was elected president and Dr. Stecker secretary. The time of meeting is to he as last year —on alternate Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p. m. A committee, consist ing of Prof. Willard, Prof. Garver and Dr. Stecker was appointed to consider and report on an appro priate line of work for the coming year. SHOES It Will Pay You to examine Tie International Samples, before you buy your Winter Suits, Overcoat or Rain Coat. Imported English Cordnroys. NO FIT. NO PAY. Boom 578 Main Bldti P. M. RAINEY, Agt. Go to J . W. Harvey , FOR Cigars, Tobacco and Fresh Roasted Peanuts. A iull line of Pipes and Smokers Fancy Articles Allen St. - STATE COLLEGE PA. Sheasly’s Bakery FOR Confectionery. Candies a'ways fresh because we buy direct from Manufacturers. ..Restaurant. Department... Quick Lunches a Specialty. Oysters, Soda Water. We always try to p'ease our Customers. C. B. SHEASLY, Proprietor, HARDWARE Rood Goods. Lowest Prices. Honest inspection and fair judgment is all I ask. JOHN I. OLEWINE, Bellefonte, Pa. (ollefe Book Room Headquarters for Students Supplies Ist Floor Main Big. Room No. 105 Ice Cream,
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