State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, October 20, 1904, Image 4

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Published on Thursday of each week during
the college year in the interest of The Pennsyl
vania State College.
W. B. Hoke, ’O5, Chief,
Alex. Hart, Jr., ’O5,
F. M. Torrence, ’O5,
T. F. Foltz, ’O6,
F. K. Brewster, ’O7
W. G. Heckathorne, ’O6,
C. R. Oberfell, ’O6.
$1.60 per year or SI 25 if paid witlun 30 days
after date of subscription.
Entered at the Post Office, State College, Pa.,
as second class matter.
Thursday, Oct. 20, 1904. „
The small blaze that occurred
last week in one of the rooms on
the fourth floor of Old Main is a
warning to those who live in the
dormitories. The carelessness of
students in use of matches and the
disposal of cigarette stumps is so
great that it is a wonder that alarms
are not more frequent. With such
well dried timber as the Main build
ing affords and with such draft as the
three large wells would provide a
fire gaining a small headway on the
second or third floors in early morn
ing would soon make a roaring fur
nace within the stone walls. The
fire escapes, three in number, are
as far from the students as possible
in the rear of the building and it is
doubtful if many know how to
reach them. Each floor is well
supplied with hydrants and hose but
there is no system of fire drill to
assume their quickest and most ef
fective use in an emergency. The
incident of last week should furnish
food for thought along this line.
There seems to be a misunder
standing as to what constitutes a
subscription to the State Col
legian. In former years the
Dance was sent to everybody and
the acceptance of the copies at the
post office was considered the same
as subscribing. This method work
ed well as far as getting a large roll
was concerned but not for getting
the money. Accordingly the new
publication was issued to all stu
dents for the first two issues and
notices were inserted asking for
your subscriptions. The third num
ber was sent to subscribers only.
We MUST have your subscriptions
but under our terms of payment
you must have your name enrolled
at a definite date. The work of
the business managers can be great
ly facilitated by your co-operation
in the matter. Mail your name,
drop it in the door of 323 Main, give
it to one of the editors or business
managers, but above all do it at
The Debating club held a meet
ing in room 367 on Monday even
ing, Oct. iotli, and transacted im
portant business. The candidates
for the college team were divided
into two teams for the trial, which
is to be held in the Old Chapel on
Friday evening, Oct. 28th. The
question is the one which will be
debated with Dickinson at Carlisle
on Dec. 12th and reads as follows :
“ Resolved , That labor unions are
inimical to the public welfare.”
Each candidate will have five
minutes for his first speech and
three minutes for rebuttal. The
judges are Dr. G. G. Pond, Prof.
M. A. Garver and Dr. Benj. Gill.
The following is a list of the teams:
1 Hart, 'O6 Dry, ’OB
2 Kraft, ’OB Braucher, ’OB
3 Flickinger, ’O6 Kauffman, ’OB
4 Wentzel, ’OB Remick, ’OB
1 Watts, ’OB Saunders, ’O5
2 Smith, J. P. ’O7 Smith, L. B. 'O5
3 Woodward, H.B ’O7 Varnes, ’O6
4 Ingram, ’O7 Miller, G. E. ’O7
The football game between the
two lower classes shall be played
on any suitable day between the
ending of the Thanksgiving and
the beginning of the Christmas va
i. The winning team shall be
entitled to place their numerals on
the trophy cup.
2- If the Freshmen team wins,
the class may have the privilege of
carrying canes. In this event, their
numerals may be engraved on the
cup only at the end of their Sopho
more game.;
3 Should one class win both
their Freshman and Sophomore
games, they shall be entitled to
place both scores upon the cup.
ist. The Freshman photograph
must be taken by their official pho
tographer in the interval between
the ending of the Thanksgiving
vacation and the beginning of ex
amination week in January.
2nd. At least fifty per cent, of
the members of the class must be in
the official photograph taken.
3rd. If the Sophomore class
shall prevent a photograph being
taken by the official photographer
within the allotted interval of time,
they shall be awarded the victory
and no further efforts shall be made
by them to prevent a second pho
tograph being taken.
ist. The Freshman banquet
must take place between the open
ing of the second semester and the
beginning of the Easter vacation.
2nd. If the Sophomores succeed
in preventing the attendance at the
banquet of either the president of
the Freshman class, the toastmas
ter of the banquet, or two of the
scheduled speakers, they shall be
awarded the victory.
(Continued from page 8 Col. 2.)