State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, October 06, 1904, Image 8

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aie in position fo furnish you with
Drawing Instruments
from Keuffel & Esser Co., Wm.
E. Stieren Co., Riefler & Al
tender Drawing Pap rs, Scales,
Triangles, Curves, Tee Squares
Pencils, Erasers, etc. Every
thing needed for the drawing
room. Will order anything
not in stock without extra cost.
In Stationery
we have the largest assortment
of Box Paper ever displayed in
the county, the latest in styles,
size and color. Writing tab
lets, note, pack, and letter size,
ruled and plain, light and
heavy, 5c to 50c each. Pencil
tablets, note and composition
books, vests pocket memoran
dums and account books. Pens,
pen holders, pencils, erasers,
ink, mucilage, paste, card
racks and photo mailers
Fountain Pens
“Parker,” “Wirt,” “Laugh
lin.” Every pen guaranteed.
State Pins
all the latest designs. Waste
paper baskets, alarm clocks,
mirrors, tooth, hair, lather,
clothes, hat and flesh brushes,
hand scrubs, combs, sponges,
chamois, etc.
Books, Magazines, Novels
Ladies’ Home Journal, Satur
day Evening Post, and Argosy
ordered only on request.
Cigars, cigarettes, and tobies,
pipess moking tobacco, novel
ties for the smoker’s den.
Soda Water
all flavors 5c., Sundae 5c., ice
cream soda and egg phosphate
ioc. Give us a call and if we
cannot suit you or do not have
what you want we will tell you
where you can get it. We will
order anything in our line for
you without extra charge. We
take subscriptions for any pub
lications for Fraternities and
Clubs at reduced prices.
Souvenir Postal Cards
State College Pennants
Terms Cash.
H. D, & P. B. MEEK,
1 Alumni Notes, 1
n\ d/
% Jtf
Chas. F. Shoop, ’Ol, has been
appointed instructor in the mathe
matical department.
J. A. Hunter, ’go, is now Prof,
of Mechanical Engineering at the
University of Colorado, Boulder,
M. J. Rentschler, ’O4, chemist
for the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany at Altoona, was a visitor here
last Saturday.
C. W. Lawrence, ’97, who was
with the Brown-Ketcham Iron
Works, has been appointed instruc
tor in Civil Engineering here.
E. E. Godard, ’O3, is installing
the new electrical plant in the
Engineering Building. “Paddy”
will also direct the badet band.
John B. Landis, ’O3, of the
American Car and Foundry Co.,
Berwick, Pa., spent a few days last
week with Prof, and Mrs. C. D.
John P. Kottcamp, ’O4, York,
holder of the John W. White Fel
lowship, has joined the corps of in
structors in the mechanical depart
Paul O. Noble, ’O4, who was
connected with the electrical de
partment at the opening of college
has secured a position with the
General Electric Company.
L. A. Harding, ’9B, formerly
mechanical engineer in charge of
the Lackawanna Steel Company’s
power plant at Wehrum, Pa., and
lately manager of the Pennsylvania
Engineering Co., Pittsburg, has
received an appointment as assist
ant professor of Machine Design.
The Free Lance is dead but the
State Collegian is alive. Else
where in this issue you will read
the claims made for this publica
cation. Send in your subscriptions
at once. Write directly to us any
news concerning alumni. Let the
college know what you are doing.
Address all communications to
The State Collegian,
State College, Pa.
S. W. Kalin,
Hatter and Men’s Furnisher.
' Students headquarters for hats,
Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, Hosie
ry, Underwear, Gloves and
Wear international (lotnli
Fall and Winter Suits, Overcoats,
Raincoats and Corduroys.
Prices Right. Fit Guaranteed.
Room 57S Main BUlu P. M. RAINEY, Agt.
It Will Pay You
To buy your Dry Goods.
Notions, Shoes, Groceries,
Etc., of us. Our reputa
tion stands back of tne
goods, which are better,
brighter and snappier than
ever before.
State College, Pa.
Main St».
H. Grimm
Merchant Tailor.
30 years experience in Tailoring.
Samples of the finest imported
goods steady on hand.
Dress Suits a Specialty.
and dealer In Choice Beef, Lamb,
Pork, Veal, Salt Meats and Poul
try. Special attention given to Cat
erers. Call and see us on