Is a question. The articles are all excellent. We notice amount of fiction: Fresh.—“ Why don’t the co-eds go to chapel?” Soph.—“Because anything but hymns at chapel would be inappropriate.” —Punch Bowl. By dreaming, we find the quarries in our lives, out of'which are hewn the blocks that later lay the foundation of character, where thoughts are shap ed, which take form in noble works. We behold visions of ideal perfection hanging like stars in a midnight sky, and in striving to attain that perfec tion. character is changed into transfigured beauty. What is comparable to this? Dr.! Hillis says, “All the beauty of paintings, all the grace of statues, all the grandeur of cathedrals are as nothing compared to the painting of that inner picture, the chiselling of that inner manhood, the adornment of that inner temple.” —Miss B. M. Davis, in Gettysburg Mer cury. Koufup.—“l got a cold in my sarcophagus.” Koufdrop.—“You mean your esophagus.” Korfup.—“Any way, it’s where my coughin’ is.” —Punch Bowl. In physics.—“lf you ever attempt to squeeze any solid body, it will always resist pressure,” said the teacher. The class smiled and recited examples which proved the rule.— Ex. There was a young- lady of Lynn Who was so exceedingly thin; That when she essayed To drink lemonade She slid down the straw and fell in!— Ex. “Yo'u can’t sell us any sweaters; Four-in-hands or other fads; We don’t want to trade at your store, If you don’t give us your ads.”— Ex.