Thomas, Gabriel.—An Account of Pennsylvania and West New 1903. Jersey. N.—William Pepper, M. D., LL. D., 1843-1898. Thorpe, F, 1904. Tuckerman,. Bayard.—William Jay and the Constitutional Movement for the Abolition of Slavery. 1894. Van Dyne, F.—Citizenship of the United States. Special List on China, Korea and Japan. Aston, W. G.—History of Japanese Literature. 1901. Bacon, A. M.—Japanese Girls and Women. 1896. Bishop, J. B.—Korea and Her Neighbors. 1897. Charles, W. R.—Life in Corea. 1896. Chamberlain, B. H.—Things Japanese. Ed. 4. 1902. Chirol, Valentine. —Far Eastern Question. 1896. Clement, E. W.—Handbook of Modern Japan. 1904. . Del Mar, W.—Around the World Through Japan. 1902 Finck, H. T.—Lotos-Time in Japan. 1889. Fraser, Mrs. Hugh.—Letters From Japan. Gale, J. S. —Korean Sketches. 1899. Gifford, D. L.—Everyday Life in Korea. 1898. Griffis, W. E.—Japan in History, Folk-lore and Art. 1892. Griffis, W. E.—Maker of the New Orient, Samuel Robbins Brown. 1902. Gulick, S. L.—Evolution of the Japanese. 1903. Hamilton, Angus. —Korea. 1904. Hancock, FI. I.—Japanese Physical Training. Hartmann, S.—Japanese Art. 1904. Heai n, Lafcadio.—Exotics and Retrospectives. 1899. Heain, Lafcadio.—Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. 2 1894. Hearn, Lafcadio.—Kokoro. 1896. Hearn, Lafcadio.—lCotto. 1903. Hearn, Lafcadio.—Shadowings. 1900 1904. 1904. ( 1904.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers