’os, York. The officers of the organization are: President, R. H. Lyons; business manager, R. W. Wray; director of performance, Donald Clark; assistant manager, W. H. McDowell;.property manager, G. L. Hoffman. —The Thespians will' also perform at Garman’s Opera House, Bellefonte, April nth; at the Academy of Music, Trone, April iith; at 'Clearfidd Theatre, Clearfield, April 13th, and at the Auditorium, State College, June 14th. —The Senior class have presented the college with a new clock to be placed in the tower of the main building. The E. Howard Clock Co., of Boston, are the manufacturers, and, according to the contract, the clock is to be ready for use by May Ist. It is of the eight-day type, strikes the hours and half hours, and has four illuminated dials, upon which in red letters are appropriate in scriptions. This clock will be a boon to both students and towns people, for its need has long been felt. The formal presentation to the college will take place during commencement week. The idea was first conceived during the Sophomore year of the class of 1904, when the President suggested that the spaces in the tower had been left there for a clock and not for the purpose of furnishing painting space for Sophomore classes. Mr. J. PI. Painter at once took up'the suggestion, and suc ceeded ia having the class pay over the unused damage fees in payment for a clock to be put into the tower. Finally, Mr. C. S. Bomberger was instrumental in fully accomplishing the proposed project. The possibility has finally become a reality, and much credit is due to the class which so generously contributed to so great a convenience for the college. —The Easter dance given by the Senior class was held in the Armory, Friday night, April 15th. The dance was not so well attended as usual, but was very much enjoyed by all there. Ex cellent music was furnished by the Clover Club Orchestra. —The Senior and Junior Chemists on their inspection trip during the Easter week visited the - following places:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers