Baron Munchausen Goes Into Engineering. The company has been chartered and styled the Consolidated Re volving Platform Company, and have the plans of the new project on exhibition at their offices. The financial backers are local capi talists, and work will be begun as soon as the weather will per mit. • The idea which led to the development of the scheme was suggested by seeing a man jump on a railway train, run over a few cars and again alight on the ground. The question naturally arose: How do we calculate the energy, positive or negative, the train has given to him, or he has given to the train? This was readily solved. From records the average daily passenger traffic of the Bellefonte Central was found and used in computing the available energy. The energy will, of course, increase with the number of persons jumping on and off the train, and taking this average traffic, the energy developed was found to be nearly equal to the immense power running to waste at Niagara Falls. All the stations along the lines will be equipped with large cir cular platforms, which revolve, as will be shown later on, and the trains on approaching the depot will not stop as heretofore, but slow down to about five miles an hour. The passengers will alight on the platforms and walk to the centre, gradually losing their kinetic energy and giving up the momentum received by them from the train, thus giving a force to the platform tending to revolve it on its centre. On reaching the centre of the plat form the momentum of each passenger will be reduced to zero. From here they will find their way by a spiral staircase up to a bridge and thence to the street. At the college station two platforms 500 feet in diameter will be used, one to receive passengers from the trains and the other to load them on. The platforms will be built of steel and revolve on frictionless roller bearings. From the centres of these plat forms will be built the spiral staircase by which the passengers will go up to a bridge spanning the platform, and walk to either end and there be lowered by elevators of the style used at Ander ton on the river Weaver, in Cheshire. The bridge will be a Howe