—Clay Sprecher, ’9B, who is the assistant manager of the Pitts burg district for the Allis-Chalmer Co., recently spent a few days at the college. —E. C. Hughes, ’O2, who, since graduation, has been working on the steamship Texan, of the' American and Hawaiian line, recently left the employ of that company, and has accepted a position with a large pump firm of Buffalo.. Mr. Hughes spent a few days at the college while on his way 'to take up the new work. —Thomas Jenkins, ’O2, in the employ of Heyle and Patterson, bridge contractors of Pittsburg, left for Nova Scotia on the 18th of February, where he will take charge of some construction work contracted for by that firm. G. X. Handlong, ’O2, and J. M. Nelson and D. C. Baird, both ’O3 men, spent a few days in town among their friends during their Washington Birthday vacation. All of these men are mak ing satisfactory progress in the industrial world. Handlong is inspector of the new fourteen mile subway now in the course of construction in New York City by 'the Interborough Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company; Baird is rodtnan for the Penn sylvania Railroad, and is located at Osceola Mills, while Nelson is at present in the New York office of the G. J. White Company. Previous to entering the office he was engaged in the construction of a conduit from New York to Coney Island. —R. L. Streeter, ’O3, who, since the beginning of the present college year, has been employed as an instructor and assistant in the Mechanical department of the college, recently accepted a position with the Oldsmobile Company, of Detroit, Michigan. The ALUMNI NOTES. C. N. FENSTERMACHER,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers