—A stag dance was held in the Armory Saturday evening, February 27th. The college orchestra furnished the music. The proceeds went to the orchestra. —R. W. Lewis, ’9B, is taking a special course in chemistry. At the same time he is teaching materials of construction in the mechanical engineering department. —Dr. J. W. Smith, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Warren, delivered a sermon in the auditorium Sunday, February 14th. He addressed the Y. M. C. A. in the evening. —For the first time in the history of State College, Lincoln’s birthday was celebrated with appropriate ceremonies. The ora tion of the day—“ Abraham Lincoln”— was delivered by the Hon. John Patton, former U. S. Senator from the State of Michigan and a native of-Centre Co., Pa. Other speeches were: “Lincoln the Man,” by Wade H. Barnes, of Brooklyn, Pa., and “Lincoln the President,” by John D. Elder, of Elder’s Ridge, both of the Senior class. Music was furnished by the college choir and orchestra. —A recent addition to the electrical laboratory equipment is a 2 H. P. three-phase induction motor of the General Electrical Company’s make. —On Friday evening, February 12th, Miss MacDonald, assist ant librarian, entertained the Debating Club at her home. Read one book at a time, but never one book alone. Well-born books always have relatives. Follow them up. Learn something about the family if you want to understand the individual. If you have been reading the “Idylls of the King,” go back to Sir Thomas Malory; if you have been keeping company with Steven son, travel for a while with Scott, Dumas and Defoe. —Henry Van Dyke. LIBRARY NOTES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers