M. Rainey, ’O5; Vice-President, C. P. Stewart, ’O6; Treasurer, J. J. Morgan, 'O5; Secretary, H. D. Easton, 'O5. —A basket ball game was played with the Bellefonte Academy team in the Armory, Wednesday night, February 3. The score was 42-7 in favor of State. —Seats are being placed in the new diary building and recita tion rooms fitted up for the accommodation of the creamery and short course agricultural students. —The Freshmen held their banquet at the Park Hotel, Will iamsport, Wednesday night,' February 3. —The Electrical Engineering Society held a meeting at the home of Prof. J. Price Jackson, Thursday evening February 4. The reading and discussion of engineering topics was followed by a general good time including eatables, music and story telling. —The following is the State College base ball schedule for 1904, as .announced by Manager H. C. Offutt and Assistant Man ager B. B. Stamm: April 9th, Bellefonte Academy at State Col lege; April 15th, Bloomsburg State Normal at Bloomsburg; April 16th, West Point at West Point; April 18, Manhattan College at New York; April 19th, Fordham College at Fordham; April 20th/ Princeton, at Princeton; April 28th, Villa Nova College at State College; May 2d, Bloomsburg State Normal at State College; May 6th, Univ. of West Virginia at Morgantown, W. Va.; May 7th, Washington and Jefferson at Washington, Pa.; May 13th, Dickin son College at State College; May 20th, Franklin and Marshall at State College; May 26th, Dickinson College at Carlisle; May 27th, Gettysburg College at Gettysburg; May 28th, Franklin and Mar shall at Lancaster; May 30th, Williamsport at Williamsport (two games); June 15th, Williamsport at State College, Commence ment game. —The last game of the basket ball trip was played with Susque hanna, Monday, February 15th. The score was 34-7 in favor of College Miscellany.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers