year. There are more than one hundred and twenty-five appli cants for positions. —The library of the University of Turin burned recently. This was the most famous library in Italy. More than 100,000 rare volumes were lost. —Sixty-two men graduated at the naval school during the first week of February. As is the custom, each member of the class received a Bible from the American Seamen's Friend Society, of New York. —All special students, men not taking regular university course, are debarred from athletics at U. of P.' —Cornell has refused to allow any professional coach to train her next season’s nine. Winslow, the captain, believes that better results can be accomplished, and he has the full support of the undergraduates in his belief. —Members and delegates of the Association of American Uni versities will hold an annual meeting at Yale, February. 18-20. This association is laboring to promote uniformity in university work, to eliminate rivalry and to advance higher education in American universities. —The week following mid-year exams, is known as Junior Week at Cornell. It is observed as a recreation week and is filled to the brim with festivities. Students and faculty enter into these social gatherings and secure benefits from relaxation and whole some amusements. This year more than five hundred guests were entertained. —U. of P. is soon to introduce a new phase of college sport. She is training some of her best athletes in the art of wrestling. The leaders of the movement are eager to arrange for inter-collegiate