Fortnightly Review. V. 73 Forum. V. 34. 1903. Harper’s Magazine. V r . 106. Independent. V. 54. 1903. McClure’s Magazine. V. 1 to 20. Nineteenth Century. V. 53. 1903. North American Review. V. 176 Outing. V. 41. 1903. Outlook. V. 73. 1903. Public Opinion. V. 33. Review of Reviews. V. 27. Scribner’s Magazine, V. 33 World’s Work. V. 5. 1903. Zeitschrift fur Analytical Chemie. V. 4r. —Albert W. Oakwood, ’oo, died January 5, 'O4, at the hoi his aunt, Airs. Kathryn Scheyer, in Washington, D. C. death being due to constitutional tuberculosis, from which hi suffered over two years. Air. Oakwood was born in Tyrone, November 22, 1876. was graduated from the Tyrone High School in 1896, which he entered •'State,” from which he was graduated mechanical engineer in June, 1900. Shortly after his.gradu he secured a position with the Buffalo Forge Company, at Bu N. Y. From here he went to the Pennsylvania Iron Works C Philadelphia, and finally to the Republic Iron and Steel C Youngstown, Ohio. Here he contracted catarrhal malarial about two years ago. In the hope of regaining his health he to Colorado and New Alexico, but returned to Tyrone in 1 1893. r 9°3' ALUMNI NOTES C. N. FENSTERJIACHER,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers