All tq whom these Pres ents may Come, Greeting! The Most Notable Exhibition of Me n ’*i Boys' and Children's CLOTHING Ever made in the United States is now t# be seen in the storeroom of " lV\oi\tgon\?ry Qo., BEL|.£FONTE, PA, Here at last is the right thought back of a Clothing business, making, selling, designing, and a taste in the creation of styles as new as it is acceptable. The Stir created by the styles as soon as they are shown was fully appreciated. Suits made to order at $l5, $16.50, $lB and $2O. Full lines of Hats and Men’s Furnishing Goods. Ready made Cloth ing in all grades. TAILORING OUR SPECIALTY. Mr. F. J. Saunders is our Agent at State College. MONTGOMERY & CO. Teachers Wanted We need at once a few more Teachers, both experienced and inexperienced. More calls this year than ever before. Schools supplied with competent teachers free of cost. Address, with stamp, AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, 174 Randolph Bldg, 1423 Arch Street Memphis, Tenn. Philadelphia, Pa, Aivtfti \sements. HfTr/RY Merchant TAILOR. FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY State College, Pa. tf. L. FOfjTEl^, General Merchant. Agent for SPAULDING’S ATHLETIC GOODS. Good Livery Attached. STATE COLLEGE, PA. J. G. WHITE & CO., Gontfaeting Engineers. Equitable Building, Baltimore, Ud. New York Office, 29 Broadway. Complete Electric Railways, Light Plants and General Contracting. The Grand Prize and Gold Medaf at Paris, 1902, were awarded tq nil | nTT’C"'-*'" bILLU 11 OMAS: THE STANDARD PENS OF THE WORLD. ; Stub Polnts-1008,1071,1088. nPIIA For Vertloal Writing- IMS U| L |||\l (Vortloular), IWB (,V”KT'lH 1047 (Multlsorlpt), 106 S, IMB, 1067. | La IW W Court-House Sarlas-lOM, 1085, 10W, and otters.