Smith, W. R.—South Carolina as a Royal Province. 1903. Trent, W. P.—History of American Literature. 1903. Truscott, S. J. —Witwatersrand Gold Fields. 1902. Virginia Historical Society, Collections. Vols. 1-11. 1892. —Fred. A. Hemphill, ’96, died suddenly of heart failure at Douglass, Arizona, December 24, 1903, and was buried in the Highland cemetery, Pittsburg, Pa., January i, 1904. He was a graduate of the Hahnemann Medical College, and had practiced his profession until compelled to give it up on ac count of ill health. About two years ago he went West, and en gaged in the lumber business with his father in Sonora, Mexico. —W. W. Heidclbaugh, ’O2, reports a change of address from Allegheny to Lancaster, Pa., where he is engaged in the lumber business with his father. (t. L. Handlong, ’O2. is at present employed as inspector of the electrical part of the subway now in the course of construction in New York City. • 1 —C. G. Stoll, who has been with the Chicago department of the Western Electric Co. since graduation, has just been transferred to the New York office. —C. L. Kinsloe, 'O3, spent some time recently visiting friends in town, —E. G. Rogers, ’O3, who is at present with the Newport News Dry Dock and Shipping do., of Newport News, Va., recently spent a few days at the college. A lumni. ALUMNI NOTES. C. N. FENSTERMACI-lER. 1882-