Forkum made an exciting run of 45 yards on a fake kick play, wit) W. and J. men lying all along his track. State was penalized sev eral times for offside play, but made her losses up with grea rapidity. The red and black lost several times to the white anc blue’s ends behind the line. Between the halves the State band marched up and down the field, while W. and J.’s “tooters” skirted the side lines, mourning the score of 11-0. Washington and Jefferson won the toss and chose the east goal. Biesecker advanced the ball 15 yards from kick off. State lost in the centre of the field on a fumble. The red and black could not gain and punted. Capt. Whitworth’s men were more successful this time, and Forkum was soon sent over the line for a touchdown. He failed to kick the goal. State kicked off and W. and J. gained only five yards. They were forced to kick, and Elder rushed back 15 yards. After several penalties and kicks State had the ball in the centre. The fake kick netted 45 yards, and Whit worth went over the line on the next play. The goal was kicked. The first half ended with the score 11-0. The second half was a repetition of the first, except the ending. The W. and J. coaches made so many substitutions that the new team was better than the old. The red and black got the ball and kept gaining until they were almost on the line. On the next play the ball went over, but time had been called just as the play started, and State had not been scored on. The line-up: State, 22. W. AND J., O left end Hupp. Arbuthnot left tackle McDlvitf White teft guard McCleary. S™ 1 " centre ' Sutter. Woodward right guard Gibson. Moseript right tackle (Capt.) Hayes. Elder quarter back McDonough. Yeckley (Mcllveen left half back Tanner. Whitworth (Capt.) ... .right half back " Eckles" Forkum back Prowitt.' POSITION.