On Sunday evening, December 6th, Mr. Cassidy, of Pittsburg, Princeton, ’O3, sang for the Young Men’s Christian Association at the regular meeting. Mr. Cassidy was leader of the Princeton Glee Club during his four years’ stay there. Books are the best things, well used; abused, among the worst- — Emerson . Nevill, W. B.—Penal Servitude. New International Encyclopaedia. Vols. 1-11. Niewenglowski, B.—Cours d’algebre. 2 vols. Niewenglowski, B.—Cours de geometrie. 3 vols. Osgood, W. F.—lntroduction to Infinite Series. Patten, S. N.—Economic Basis of Protection. Peters, J. P.—Labor and Capital. Pialat, R. —Formulaire. Popular Astronomy. Vols. 9-10, Pullen, W. W. F.—Mechanics. Remsen, Ira.—lntroduction to the Study of Compounds of Carbon. Robertson, J. M.—Eight Hours Question. Rogers, W. P. B.—Papers on Geology of Virginia. Riis, J. A.—How the Other Half Lives. Schoenhof, Jacob —Economy of High Wages. Sexton, A. H.—Chemistry of Materials of Engineering. Smith, R. M.—Emigration and Immigration. Smith, M. H.—Political History of Slavery. Spahr, C. B.—America’s Working People. Spalding, J. L.—Socialism and Labor. Stanwood, Edward—American Tariff Controversies ir, the 19th Century. Stepniak—Russia Under the Tzars. College Miscellany. LIBRARY NOTES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers