The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1903, Image 20

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    —On Saturady evening, the 12th, Beta Theta Pi fraternity held
a reception and smoker in their chapter house in honor of the
foot ball men. Quite a large number of professors were present.
Ping-pong, whist, “pit,” and other games, together with plenty of
“smokes” and refreshments, served to while away a very pleasant
. ♦
—George C. Butz, professor of horticulture, left Monday, No
vember 30, for Wyoming county, where he will lecture before
farmers’ institutes. During the latter part* of December he will do
institute work in Warren and Erie counties. After the holidays the
work will be taken up by M. S. McDowell, first assistant chemist
at the Agricultural Experiment Station.
—Messrs. Irvin and Wayne Thompson, ’O4, entertained the
members' of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, of which they are mem
bers, at their home in Centre Furnace, on Saturday evening, De
cember 12th. They were most ably assisted in entertaining by
Misses Mable, Helen and Elizabeth Thompson, and Miss Anne
Hamilton. ’ The great game of the evening was “Pit,” which
furnished great amusement.
—Mr. Fred. M. Hart, of Poughkeepsie, is building in the
shops here a model of the calorimeter for the St. Louis Exposition.
His father is a member of the firm that built the pumping engines,
used in the calorimeter.
—The Y. M. C. A. entertained in their rooms on Thangsgiving
evening the students who had not left for their homes during
Thanksgiving vacation. Games were played and refreshments of
all kinds were furnished. There was music during the entire
evening, part of which was furnished by the Mandolin Club.
—On Saturday, December sth, the students were entertained by
Lulu Tyler Gates and her company. , Mrs. Gates kept the audi
ence roaring with her witty readings. Everybody seemed pleased
with the entertaiment.
—On December 12th an entertainment was held in the chape!
under the auspices of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Methodist