The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1903, Image 19

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    artillery detachment of the State College cadets fired the Major
General’s salute of thirteen guns. At two o’clock Gen. Miller re
viewed the battalion of cadets. Col. Chambers, of the Governor’s
Staff, and Col. Curtin, nephew of the late ex-Gov. Curtain, were
present at the review. After the review Gen. Miller gave a short
address to the students in the Auditorium.
—The ball given by the Senior class in honor of Governor
Pennypacker was held in the armory Friday night, November 20,
in every respect as if the ’Governor had been there. Aside from the
disappointment caused by the absence of his Excellency, the as
sembly was a succees. The decorations of the armory were un
usually attractive and appropriate.
—The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has placed the
preparation of its zoological exhibit for the St. Louis Exposition
under the supervision of Prof. H. A. Surface, State Economic
Zoologist. The exhibit will show the economic features of birds,
mammals, reptiles, amphibious, and insects, and it will be an object
lesson in the language of nature to be read at once by intelligent
persons of all nationalities. The specimens will be arranged ac
cording to the natural system, with each kind grouped with its
foods, enemies and natural surroundings in such a manner as to
represent a biological unit.
—Sigma Chi Fraternity gave a formal dance in their chapter
house on the evening of Friday, December nth. Music was
furnished by the Germania orchestra of Lock Haven. A large
number of guests were present from Bellefonte and surrounding
—The first basket ball practice of the season was held Monday,
November 30. A large number of applicants for places on the
team have turned out.
—Competition drill among the six companies of the battalion of
State College cadets will be held the latter part of this month.
The first prize to be competed for is a sword and banner, and the
second a sword. At present Co. A holds first prize, Co. D second.