Want You TO BUY YOUR * Dry (a©ods, ' potions, * §l?oes, Stationery, (3 recedes, fruits, 6tc. ’ES& CO. ’S, SSllloe. le State College Studio, W. W. S|WITfl, Artist. Our Motto: THE BEST • AT MODERATE PRICES. it Facilites for Fine Work were never better. Call and see us. niel H. Hastings. J. Henry Cochran. John P. Harris. CKSON, HiSTINGS & CO., BMKCRS. in P. Harris, Isaac Mitchell, Cashier. Asst. Cashier. PREPARE TO ENTER State College Broom Preparatory Sehooi, PHILADELPHIA. Students sent to forty-eight Colleges. For particulars see e. f. McLaughlin, ’os. i\. f. J. C- A\arkl?, Butchers. FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS. Fish in Season. F. P. Blair & Co., BEUvEFONTE,. pa. Jemelers and Optieians. Prompt Attention Guaranteed to all Watch Repairing. W. DOR WORTH, State College Agt. THE EXAMINER. LANCASTER, PA. All kinds of Book and Job Priming at Low Prices. T. B. & H. B. COCHRAN, Prop’rs.