The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1903, Image 4
THE FREE LANCE. Published monthly during the College Year by the Students of the Pennsylvania State College. Entered at the State College Post Office, May 4, 1887, as Second Class matter. Editors: C. H. Bomberger, ’O4. C. N. Fenstermacher, ’O4. R. H. H. Aungst, ’O5. W. B. Hoke, ’O5. Aeex. Hart, ’O5. T. F. Foetz, 'O6. O. C. Hays, ’O6. John P. Kottcamp, ’O4, Bus, Mgr, C. A. BENNETT, -05, ) AssL RJ C; F. Fsheeman, ’O5, j The Free Eance Is published on or about the fifteenth of each mouth from October to June, inclusive, by a Board of Editors elected from the three upper classes of The Penn sylvania State College. Its aim is to encourage literary work in college, and to give a faithful representation of College life. Contributions of all kinds are, therefore, earnestly solicited from the Students and Alumni. The subscription price, for one volume of nine numbers, is $1.00; single copies, is cents. The Eance will be sent regularly tcf all old subscribers and new students unless ordered to discontinue. Address all contributions to Editor of Free I.ance ; all business communications to John p. Kottcamp, Business Manager, State College, Penna. A Diplomatic Farmer , A Tale of the Strike Editorial. "Dry Stuff” l2B College Miscellany Alumni Athletics 1U E, K. McDoweee, Editor-in-Chief, CONTENTS. • • • • 113 ; . 121 126 l3O