Want You TO BUY YOUR Pr 9 Goods, iclofions, alpes, 6fafioner2, Groceries, pruifs, Etc LMEB&CO.'B, gaLE. State College Studio, W. W. SIVIITI-1, Artist. UR MOTTO: TAF, BEST AT MODERATE PRICES. Facilites for Vine Work were never better. Call and see us. el H. Hastings. J. Henry Cochran. John P. Harris. BISON, HASTINGS & CO., BANKERS. P. Harris, Cashier. Isaac Mitchell, Asat. Cashier. Aa'verlisements. A. r. lit J. Q. Markle , Butchers. FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS. F. P. Blair& Co., BW4I4EPONTE, PA. Jewelers and Opticians. Prompt Attention Guaranteed to all Watch Repairing. W. DORWORTH, State College Agt. 'Pig' in Season.