negie, in his letter of presentation, says of Booker T. Washington, the president : "To me he seems one of the greatest of living men, because his work is unique. The modern Moses, who leads his race and lifts it through education to even higher and better things than a land flowing with milk and honey. nistory is to tell of two W4shingtons, one white, the other black, both fathers of their people." STATE, I 0 ; BELLEpONTE ACADEMY, 3. State's Base Ball team played a practice game with the Belle fonte Academy team Saturday, April nth, on Beaver Field. It rained throughout the whole game, which was consequently un interesting to the large crowd that filled the grandstand. Each position on State's side was played by two or more men, and thus the game was made a practice game in every sense of the word. The game with Syracuse for April i4th was indefinitely post poned on account of rain. The Syracuse team was here, but weather conditions would not permit playing. This was looked forward to as one of the best home games. STATE, 7 ; FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL, 8. The opening of the base ball season was inauspicious for State. The first game was lost to Franklin and Marshall at Lancaster, April i6th, not by poor playing, but by the umpire's failure to place himself under the care of a good oculist. The grounds were wet and a drizzling rain came down during the greater part of the game. This made playing difficult, but State had only one error. Franklin and Marshall bunched hits better than State. The score : ATHLETICS. W. B. lIPKg.