SpENCE Rti TEEL PENS lire the Best Select I Pep your writiog from a sample card 1 2 61ifferent numbers, sent post paid on receipt of 6 ots, in stamps. SPENCERIAN PEN CO. 349 Broadway, NEW YORK HELLER & BRIGHTLY, Surveying Instrument Manufacturers . .. . Ridge Avenue and Spring Garden Street, PHILADELPHIA. Heller & Brightly's Instruments are exclusively used for purposes of instruction at Columbia College (School of Mines); Massachusetts College of Technology; Sheffield Sci. School of Yale College; Western University of Pa.; risk University; Oregon State University; California State University; Dartmouth College; Maine State College; The PENNSYL VANIA STATE COLLEGE. BELLEFONTE, W. L. DAGGETT, Proprietor. GRAHAM The t3atibert, SOLICITS Your Patronage. 'YOU WISH Philadelphia and Pittsburg Papers. TRY THEM GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, J. N. & J. KRUMRINE'S STORE, Mingle's Shoe Store, BELLEFONTE, PA. Sole Agents for Jas. A. Banister's (Newark, N. J.) MEN'S FINE SHOES, The Best in the Market. QUEEN QUALITY &ARMSTRONG'S . . , For Ladies . . . NONE BETTER FOR THE PRICE. Wm. Dorworth, Agent at the College. J. E. WARD, D. D. S., ** Dental * Rooms, N. W. Cor. Allegheny and High Streets, BELLEFONTE, PA. HAVE YOUR. BAGGAGE Transferred by FRANK CROSTHWAITE, B. C. R. R. Station. State College, - .- - - Pa. A Compl to Line of Shoes , Etc. , Can be found al STATE COLLEGE, PA.