Life Assurance as a Profession for Young Men has three distinct advantages that must appeal to every progressive man who is looking around for a life work. I—lt is a comparatively new profession— hence not overcrowded, nor likely to become so. 2--It is,, a clean profession—standing firmly alongside the ministry' and medicine in its relatipns to the good of humanity. 3—lt is a decidedly profitable profession. . But, of course, in this as in everything else, it is essential that connection be made with the right company. The Equitable Life Assurance Society Founded by HENRY B. HY.I:IOE The strongest Life Assurance Company in the world —with assets of $359,00,0000 and a surplus of $75, 000,000—has inaugurated a special summer school for the training of young men in the profession of life assurance. It is an opportunity of rare import ance. EDWARD A. WOODS, Manager Equitable Floor, Frick Building, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wine for full pat ticulat s to