—Wm. F. Affelder, '99, stopped here a few days en route from the Convention of Mine Operators and Employers held at Al toona. He is superintendent of the Mosgrove Coal Co. Mr. Affeider addressed the mining department on Methods of Bitu minous Coal Mining —Stitt, Beckert and Landis are the' Senior gown committee. —The Electrical Engineering Society is going excellent work. Meetings are held 6:30 P. M. every Tuesday night. For several months papers read' at the 173 d meeting of the American Insti tute of Electrical Engineers, New York, were discussed, and great interest was manifested. Johnston, 'O3, is president. —A debating league is being formed for next year. The col leges in the league .are State, F. and M. and Swarthmore. State has been neglecting this phase of college life. Other colleges are giving this department a great deal of attention and interest., and to maintain her standard State must needs look after 'her inter collegiate forensics as well as her athletics. —After a canvass of the officers and men of the battalion it was decided to have drill from 6 :45 to 7 :3o in the morning. Every Wednesday there will be battalion drill in the afternoon. Capt. Lawton expects to have two battalions another year. This will necessitate two majors and a lieutenant. Capt. Lawton completes his lectures before the officers' school by the end of the winter term. After vacation the subject of Tactics will be taken tip. Before he decided on this arrangement Capt. Lawton was accustomed to alternate his lectures with lessons on drill. An examination of the officers is to be held, about the middle of May to determine promotions for next year. After a line-up of the battalion it was found that there were not cadets enough to form six companies as was first intended. The old organization was in consequence retained. Target prac tice has been definitely defined for the spring session. Each cadet is required to take fifty shots at fifty, one hundred and two hun dred yards. A single squad of a company is to go out every College Miscellany.