Committee Hornbaker, Armsby, Eschleman. Judge of Election P. V. Stevenson. —Girls who dream of a stage career will do well to read the special paper by John D. Barry, in the January Delineator. There is an evident attempt to put the pros and the cons of the matter truthfully. The article is not intended to dis courage those who are really fitted for that career, but to dis suade those girls whose fancy is caught by the glamor and glitter of the footlights and who are influenced by the wrong ideals. The stage is no "royal road to fortune," and the writer's conclusion is that success there, as elsewhere, is the result of hard, dogged work and persistence. Those girls who have not the most robust constitutions should never choose the stage; they will not be able to stand the strain and will fall behind in the race, It is an excellent paper throughout, and the illustrations add to the pleasure of reading it. —November 14th the Senior Electrical, in charge of Prof. Jackson, visited the telephone exchanges, match factory, elec tric plant, blast furnace and glass works at Bellefonte. Messrs. Wood arid Arney and Captain Lawton accompanied them. —Saturday, November 15th, the Senior Miners, in charge of Prof. Shed, visited the mines at Scotia, in order to learn the method of ore-washing used there. —lnter-class debate for the annual prize given by Dr. Atherton was opened this year on Thursday evening, Decem ber 4th, by a contest between the Sophomore and Freshmen teams. The chapel, in which the debate was held, would have comfortably seated a few more listeners. However, the Freshmen were there almost to a man to support their team and the Sophomores were enough in evidence to give their men hearty applause. Prof. Pattee had the chair. The question, " Resolved, That a nation, advanced in civilization, is justified in the interests of humanity at large in subjugating and governing an inferior people," was thoroughly discussed. Freshmen Heckathorne, Flickinger and Hayes de-