COLLEGE MISCELLANY. If reprehensible conduct, merits criticism and unfavorable comment, then how much more is that which is good and pleasing worthy of notice and praise ? Therefore it seems not only suitable but just that the students should be made aware .of the fact that their change of attitude during the present year is very much appreciated, and, as the college year ad vances, many expressions of gratification and commendation are heard regarding their demeanor. If it is true that they are responsible for the reckless conduct which has at times characterized their actions, it is reasonable to suppose that they have it in their power to control this spirit. Even though annoyances which are the result of such rashness are charge able to a comparative small proportion of the student body, yet that body holds in its hands the matter of government, and it is therefore not wholly blameless. But whatever our past may have been, the spirit of the present is indicative of a healthful and wholesome atmosphere throughout the college, and it is creating abetter feeling, both at home and abroad, and our surroundings are once more becoming delightful to live in. Since her establishment years ago " State " has waged an unyielding and, at times, almost hopeless battle against preju dice. Through her good instruction and the incessant labors of her friends she has succeeded in enlisting the interest of several prominent Pennsylvania men who have come to her aid in a generous and. substantial manner. The attitude of her students this year is splendid evidence of their apprecia tion of these' beneficences. By this attitude they are pledging themselves to rally round their alma Mater, and thus to give her a reputation of whibh in future years they may be justly proud, and whose mention will cause their hearts to thrill College Miscellany. A COMMUNICATION.