The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, February 01, 1902, Image 38

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    It is an open question among exchange editors: "What
is the li;xcliange Column to contain?" Some fill it with
jokes and trivialities. Others hold that it should contain
clippings from the exchange papers, still others try to put
in original items of interest about neighboring schools. A
few make it a resume, with many clippings, of the verse of
the month, and a small minority devote the space entirely to
criticism and review. The answer to the question will de
pend entirely on whether the column is intended for the
home subscribers or for the exchange editors and chance
readers of other colleges. Perhaps a combination of all the
foregoing styles is as satisfactory as anything. But this
needs room. Certain it is that the exchange column of every
college magazine today will bear development and expan
sion.—Beloit Round Table.
We take great pleasure in acknowledging the following
exchanges: The Columbia Literary Monthly, The Touchstone,
Dickinson Literary Monthly, The Wesleyan Literary Monthly,
The Bowdoin Quill, The Lesbian Herald, Phoenix, Ursinus
College Bulletin, The College Student, Hamilton Literary
Magazine, The Washington. Jeffersonian, The Susquehanna,
Bucknell Mirror, The College Folio, Maryland Collegian, The
College Paper, The St. John's Collegian, The Muhlenburg,
The Holcad, The High School Argus, Pierce School Alumni
Journal, The Delphic News, Res Academicce, Syracuse Week=
ly, Lafayette Weekly, The F. and M Weekly, High School
Journal, Oberlin Review, The Dickinson Union, The Semi=
nary Opinator, Kee Mar Journal, and The Juniata Echo.
We repeat, for the benefit of our own students, that the
above exchanges, after being reviewed, are placed in the
College library that all may have access to them.
In quoting the following, we are trying to influence at