The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, February 01, 1902, Image 26

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    —The Y. M. C. A. election of officers for the ensuing
year results as follows: president, F. H. Taylor; vice presi
dent, A. K. Risser; secretary, A. D. Laurence; treasurer, N.
G. Miller.
The Hand Book committee is working on the next issue
and expects to have it out earlier than usual. The forth
coming Hand Book is expected to be a littld better than any
that State's Y. M. C. A. has yet issued.
Something new in the line of music is to become a fea
ture of the Sunday evening meetings in the near future.
Let everybody come.
—The entertainment given Friday night by Prof.
Barker for the benefit of the Baseball team, was not nearly
as well attended as it might have been. Professor Barker
is a young man of pleasing appearance and handles his char
acter well. Por one man to represent several different char
acters with entire success is almost impossible, yet Prof.
Barker does it in a very creditable and pleasing manner
although the effect would have been much better if his voice
had greater range and flexibility. Of all the characters repre
sented, the "Landlord" and "Hosea" were given the best
and the general verdict was, "It is a good entertainment."
—A test was recently made of the respiration-calorimeter
which shows it to be a very accurate instrument for the pur
poses for which it was constructed. The test was made by
burning a known quantity of pure ethyl alcohol in the appa
ratus. Knowing the chemical composition of the alcohol
and its heat of combustion, it is easy to calculate the theo
retical amounts of carbon dioxide and of heat which should
have been produced and compare them with the amounts
actually measured. The results were as follows:
Found 1023.60 grms. carbon dioxide; 3821.3 cal. energy.
Computed.. 1023.19 " 44 3783.8 ,‘
Difference.. 0.41 44 37.5 44 4