College Miscellany. —ln the absence of Prof. Pattee, the class in bibliography is in charge of Miss Bradley, whose connection with the library makes her especially fitted to direct the work. —Prof. J. Dorsey Hunter, 'B9, who has been principal of the Gettysburg schools for some years, and is now a candi date for county superintendent in this county, paid the Col lege a visit recently. —Mr. Jos. H. Seigfried, 'OO, who has been head electri cian with the Cincinnati Edison Electric Company until recently, spent a few days with friends at this place. He is taking a vacation just now, but will accept another position soon. —The order of service in Sunday chapel has been con siderably changed of late. The Doxology has replaced Gloria, and immediately following the Doxology the Invoca tion is given which in turn is followed by the Lord's Prayer, chanted. The students, now remain seated during the sing ing of the first hymn and stand while singing the second. These changes give greater variety to the service and are very pleasing. —Mr. Leßoy Scholl, who has been a star on our football team for the last four years and who has lately been pursu ing advanced work at this place, has been offered a position in the faculty of the lowa State College. He has accepted and in connection with his class room work will assist in coaching the football team of that institution. This is the second call for an instructor from graduating classes at State College during the last two years by this college. We are glad to know that such fraternal relations are being established between the two colleges,