The Free Lance. Published monthly during the College Year by the Students of The Penn sylvania State College. Entered at the State College Post Office, May 4, 1887, as Second Class matter. J. 4. WAGNBR, 'O2, Editor-in-Chief. Editors. H. A. BI i AIR, 'O2. I. C. PALMER, 'O3. L. B. GRINDLAY, 'O2. F. S. FRlev, 'O3. F. H. TAYLOR, 'O3. E. K. McDowitra„ 'O4. C. N. FICNSTERMACHER, 'O4. 4. R. NORRIS, 'O3, Business Mgr., F. C. JOHNSTON, 'O3, Asst. THE Finns LANCE is published on or about the fifteenth of each month from October to June, inclusive, by a Board of Editors elected from the three upper classes of The Pennsylvania State College. Its aim is to encourage lit erary work in College, and to give a faithful representation of College life. Contributions of all kinds are, therefore, earnestly solicited from the Students and Alumni. The subscription price, for one volume of nine numbers, is $1.00; single copies, 16 cents. The LANCE will be sent regularly to all old subscribers and new students unless ordered to discontinue. Address all contributions to Editor of Faun LANCE; all business com munications to E. R. NORRIS, Bilpitkess Manager, ..N;clitc)i-LL.I. BEVoRE another number of the FR44 LANcr, is issued, a new board of editors is to be elected, and it seems as though this is the proper time to emphasize the importance of choos ing men whose fitness and interests are of such a nature as to insure the successful publication of our monthly. Accord ing to the constitution, three members from each of the Junior and Sophomore classes and two from the Freshman class are to be elected as editors about the first of March, who in turn choose their editor-in-chief. To these classes we would most urgently suggest that they select men ac cording to their fitness rather than be guided by the mere popularity and social standing of the man. The success of State College; P'enn'a.