are held oil Saturday afternoons, when two “hares 1 ' ate selected and as many “hounds” are admitted as want to be. —The Yale faculty , has recently provided that each student shall be allowed thirty cuts a year without suffering any penalty. If a student shows exceptional regularity in attendance at recitations, he is allowed to dimish the number of recitation hours a year in a course from sixty to fifty eight. —A dictionary of college slang is being prepared by two professors from one of our eastern institutions. The diction ary will contain about 800 words aud phrases. It will be issued in a handy volume so that all freshmen may provide themselves with a copy of it when entering colleg'e and thus make themselves understood when talking to upper classmen. —A new book entitled “Yale Fun” has recently been issued at New Haven. It consists of selections and illus trations from the Record for the past eight years, and according to the Yale News represents the best humorous writing by Yale men in recent years. —A list of colleges that have the largest matriculation this year has recently been compiled and shows them to be in the following order: Columbia 4,392; University of Michi gan 3,813; University of Chicago 3,774; University of Minnesota 3,423; University of California 3,216; Cornell 3,004; Yale 2,584; Pennsylvania 2,573. —The following colleges support a daily newspaper: Harvard, Yale, Brown, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Cornell, Michigan, lowa, Nebraska, Stanford, California, Indiana and Wisconsin. —The donations and bequests to American colleges the past year amount to over $15,000,000. Brown University has received $1,000,000; Tulane $1,500,000; Harvard $735,000; Pennsylvania $540,000; Clark $3,000,000; Dartmouth $210,- 000; Ohio Wesleyan $600,000; Columbia $492,000; Alle-