The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1901, Image 34

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    there is in College a class of about two hundred Freshmen,
which with the help of our competent trainer, Golden, should
develop something creditable in the athletic line, State fol
lowers are justified in hoping for the best of results in
Football seems to be more popular at State this year
than ever before. At least, more men seem to be desirous
of engaging in this vigorous recreation than formerly.
Probably forty men have been repairing to the gridiron every
afternoon for practice. This large squad has been divided
into three parts,—the Varsity and two scrub teams. Besides
the customary line-ups between the Varsity and two scrubs,
games between the two scrub teams have been features of
the fpotball practice. This is undoubtedly a good thing for
developing new material. A new man is thus given an op
portunity of learning the game by bucking against men more
nearly of his own weight, strength, and experience than is
the case when there is but one scrub team. In the latter
case a new man is pitted almost at once against Varsity
men. While the new man eventually learns his lesson, the
work is doubtless as much too hard for him, at first, as the
work which his individual opponent has to do is too easy for
a Varsity man. Something in proportion as a good scrub is
developed is a good Varsity team developed.
Coach Golden has been working hard to bring the foot
ball team to a high state of efficiency, and he has been assist
ed for a short time by Ed Wood, State’s famous end of the
’99 team, and now coach and end for Medico-Chirurgical
College, Philadelphia. The goods effects of Wood’s coach
ing are apparent in the life and snap which the team now
manifests. This year, as last year, the physical condition
of State’s foot ball players is much commented upon. Their
excellent condition is largely due to Golden’s training.