Report of R. V. Little, Manager from May 3rd to July Ist, ’Ol, Cash from Mingos Cash from Subscriptions, Ads., etc... . Printing, Postage, Commission, etc Cash ASSETS. Due from Subscriptions j Due from Advertisers Due P. G. Meek Due State College Times Miss 13. B. Meek, 'B9, who spent the summer at her home in Bellefonte, will return to the University of Chicago, where she is taking special work in Biology. Miss Maud Moore, '9l, whospent the summer at Lemont, has returned to the Stroudsburg Normal school, where she is an instructor. Miss E. K. Meek, '92, has opened an office and is a practicing physician at Johnstown, Pa. W. W. Bolim, ’92, is Secretary and Treasurer of the Bohm Roofing and Cornice Co., of Norfolk, Va., being associated with his brother M. W. Bohm, a former “State” instructor. MANAGER’S REPORT. RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURES. LIABILITIES. THE ALUMNI. .$ 4 03 . 171 01 $175 04 ~$163 95 .. 7 06 $l7l 01 ..$126 00 .. 483 00 .. 99 50 $7OB 50 $ 55 00 144 88 $199 88